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In accordance with the consumer's rights, there is no refund (possibility of withdrawing from a distance contract) within 14 days of purchasing digital content that has not been saved on a tangible medium, when the performance began with the consumer's express consent before the deadline to withdraw from the contract and after informing it by the entrepreneur about the loss of the right to withdraw from the contract (by accepting the store regulations). Post-payment products are shipped automatically and the benefit is provided immediately after purchase, resulting in the loss of the right of withdrawal.

Due to the nature of the offered products, if the product does not work as expected or for other reasons does not meet the requirements, please contact us. After verifying the problem, we are able to offer the return of digital products for the full satisfaction of our customers. Additionally, you are always entitled to a warranty (non-compliance of the goods with the contract)

The information presented on this page is the most important information related to returns and complies with the store's regulations.

The English version of Allkeystore has been moved to a new domain. You can log in using the same login and password.
If you have forgotten your password, use the "Reset Password" option. All downloads and subscriptions should be preserved.