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YITH Event Tickets For WooCommerce WordPress Plugin - 1.35.0

3,00 $

Developer: YITH

Version: 1.35.0

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YITH Event Tickets For WooCommerce WordPress Plugin - 1.35.0

3,00 $

Have you ever thought about organizing a party, party or meeting? Many people try to organize them and many give up right after seeing that there are so many things to consider in order to organize the event in the best way. One of the biggest problems with event management is ticketing, which must be handled with care or you risk jeopardizing the entire event. This is the main reason why we often rely on third party services to take a percentage of your earnings, affecting your total income and the company's public image.

With YITH WooCommerce Event Tickets, you will be able to sell tickets for all kinds of events. All you have to do is select the event, enter the required location information, type and number of seats, expiration date and a few other details, and with just a few clicks you will enable your customers to purchase and print tickets. You will receive information about each of them and you will have the whole process under control. You'll also be able to manage prices dynamically, raising them when there are only a few tickets left or when an event date is approaching. You will finally get your hands on an easy and simple way to deal with these kinds of scenarios and solve all the problems that often occur when organizing events and selling tickets.


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For YITH plugins, a universal activator is available that activates most YITH plugins. It is located in the YITH Activator tab

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