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WpForms Webhooks Addon - 1.4.0

3,00 $

Developer: WPForms

Version: 1.4.0

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WpForms Webhooks Addon - 1.4.0

3,00 $

The WPForms Webhooks add-in allows you to send form input to helper tools and external services. No code is required and no need for a third-party connector.

Do you want to integrate WordPress forms with various services?

The WPForms Webhooks add-on is a fantastic choice if you need integration but no direct integration option is available.

Dla użytkowników technicznych dodatek Webhooks może być świetną alternatywą dla dodatku Zapier. Całkowicie pomiń usługę łącznika i użyj interfejsów API do wywoływania danych formularzy z WPForms bezpośrednio do mnóstwa pomocnych narzędzi i aplikacji.

This Elite-level feature is a great option if:

  • On the technical side of things
  • You want to use some integrations that may cost you to use a third-party connector service like Zapier
  • You can even use the conditional logic function to trigger a webhook action based on the user's selection on the form - making the forms incredibly intuitive.

With the Webhooks add-on, there is no limit to how many times you can submit form data per month. With this advanced user add-on, you can further increase the performance of your forms while keeping your small business website costs low.

With some technical know-how and the addition of WPForms Webhooks, the possibilities are endless.

We took care of creating online forms and made it easier for your business to succeed online. Get started with WPForms Elite today!


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