Add variant support with Swatches for WooCommerce
Chcesz, aby warianty Twoich produktów były prezentowane w atrakcyjny i profesjonalny sposób? Dzięki wtyczce, Twoje produkty będą wyglądały jeszcze bardziej imponująco, przyciągając uwagę klientów i skracając ich czas decyzji o zakupie.
What is the Swatches plugin for WooCommerce?
Swatches for WooCommerce is a plugin that allows you to present product attributes the way they are designed in the admin panel. It has a lot of features that allow you to manage and display attributes in various styles and profiles.
Plugin features
- Variant conversion: After activating the plugin, the variants that were displayed as a drop-down list will be converted into swatches.
- Customizing Global Attributes: Quickly customize all global WooCommerce attributes using this plugin.
- Creating custom attributes: Add a custom attribute name and appropriate categories to apply specific settings.
- Unlimited Swatches Profiles: Create and customize swatch profiles according to your needs.
- Displaying Swatches: Manage the display of swatches for WooCommerce on product pages and other pages.
Other plugin features
- Works perfectly on mobile devices.
- Intuitive interface and ease of use.