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WooCommerce Attribute Stock – Shared Stock Variable Quantities Plugin - 1.9.2

3,00 $

Developer: Codecanyon

Version: 1.9.2

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WooCommerce Attribute Stock – Shared Stock Variable Quantities Plugin - 1.9.2

3,00 $

Revolutionize your WooCommerce inventory management with attribute-based inventory control

Transform the way you manage inventory on your WooCommerce store with the powerful capabilities of WooCommerce Attribute Stock. This tool allows you to effectively manage and share inventory across multiple products and variants, or deduct different stock amounts based on each product, variant, or attribute purchase.

With WooCommerce Attribute Stock you can easily track shared stock, variable stock, related items, product add-ons, bundles, parts, measurements, ingredients and more. Take full control of your store's inventory and prevent chaos caused by mismatched stock levels.

Who uses this tool?

Imagine running an online store selling printed t-shirts where each print is listed as a separate product. Managing inventory may seem simple at first, but without the right tools, your inventory can quickly become unmanageable. WooCommerce only tracks inventory at the product level, meaning if you have multiple listings for different prints but share the same base t-shirt, your inventory levels won’t match up properly. This can lead to overselling, even if you only have one t-shirt left in stock!

Solution: Attribute-Based Inventory Management

This tool increases inventory control by allowing you to assign inventory quantities to global product attributes. It allows multiple products or variants that share these attributes to draw from the same inventory, ensuring accurate inventory tracking, preventing overbuying, and displaying correct available inventory to customers.

The possibilities don't end there. Explore the features and examples below to see just how versatile WooCommerce Attribute Stock can be for your store's unique needs.

Key Features

  • Attribute-Based Inventory: Manage inventory based on attributes by dividing stock across all products or variants with assigned attributes.
  • Reduce your product inventory: Show customers accurate available stock and prevent over-purchases by managing inventory effectively.
  • Quantity multipliers: Customize inventory quantities based on units of measure such as weight, length, or package size, perfect for custom requirements.
  • Product filters: Use filters to apply attribute inventory rules to specific products, categories, or product types.
  • Supplies management: User-friendly admin interface to manage inventory items, set SKUs, internal notes, low stock thresholds and more.
  • CSV import/export: Easily export inventory data to a CSV file for bulk updates and seamless import of changes.
  • Stock reports: Monitor your stock with comprehensive WooCommerce stock reports.
  • Low Stock Alerts: Receive timely email alerts for low or out-of-stock items.
  • REST API Integration: Fully integrated REST API for inventory management from external applications.
  • Compatibility: It works seamlessly with a variety of plugins including Variation Swatch, POS systems, subscriptions, product bundles, and more.
  • Developer friendly: Easily customized with actions and filters for tailored solutions.

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