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Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Pro Plugin - 2.2.0

3,00 $

Developer: Emran Ahmed

Version: 2.2.0

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Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Pro Plugin - 2.2.0

3,00 $

Apply new options to product variants with Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Pro

Introducing a revolutionary way to present product varieties on the eCommerce platform! The Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Pro plugin changes the way customers select and browse product variations such as colors, sizes, and styles by replacing conventional options with visually stunning swatches.

This plugin enables customizable, user-friendly and interactive shopping so that customers can easily select their desired product variants. With advanced features such as tooltips and quick preview options, your website shopping journey becomes smoother and more enjoyable.

Key Features of Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Pro

  • Transform traditional dropdown boxes into eye-catching samples
  • Choose from a wide range of sample types, including colors, images and buttons
  • Compatible with various product varieties such as size and color
  • Personalize the look of your samples to match your store's theme
  • Supports fast bulk sample generation to speed up setup
  • Activate display tooltips to display additional information about each variation
  • Mobile-responsive samples ensure a seamless experience on all devices
  • Fully integrated with WooCommerce quick view and product filters for efficient browsing
  • Use custom attributes for image or color swatches
  • Equipped with a built-in cache to improve performance

Why choose Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Pro?

Increase user experience: Equip your WordPress site with a tool that will elevate your overall user experience! By allowing customers to easily visualize and select product variations, you increase customer satisfaction and potentially increase sales.

Visually attractive presentation: display product attributes as live image swatches, color swatches, or text swatches. Customize them to match your website's style and enhance its visual appeal by allowing customers to easily identify and select the variety they want.

Reduce cart abandonment: Usprawnij proces zakupów i uczyń go bardziej przyjaznym dla użytkownika dzięki wtyczce. Umożliwiając klientom szybki wybór preferowanych odmian i dodanie ich do koszyka, torujesz drogę do wyższych współczynników konwersji i większych przychodów dla swojej firmy.

Integrating Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Pro into your website not only beautifies your product presentation but also enriches the customer journey, leading to increased satisfaction and sales.

You must install the free version from WP repository first, otherwise you will get fatal error after installing Pro.


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