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PixelYourSite Pro Super Pack Plugin - 5.4.1

3,00 $

Developer: Pixelyoursite

Version: 5.4.1

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PixelYourSite Pro Super Pack Plugin - 5.4.1

3,00 $

Enhance your PixelYourSite Pro experience with exclusive add-ons

Introducing PixelYourSite Pro Super Pack: a collection of five advanced add-ons designed to enhance the power of Facebook and Pinterest pixels.

Add multiple Facebook pixels

Rozszerz swój potencjał śledzenia, integrując wiele pikseli Facebooka w swojej witrynie. Dzięki dodatkowi PixelYourSite Pro Super Pack możesz bez wysiłku dodawać dodatkowe piksele za pomocą nowego przycisku pod identyfikatorem Pixel. Te dodatkowe piksele dziedziczą ustawienia i zdarzenia głównego piksela, w tym wszelkie zdarzenia dodane ręcznie.

This feature is ideal for managing multiple pixels, matching partner pixels, or establishing a reserve pixel for future unforeseen events.

Additional pixels are especially beneficial for people considering the future sale of their company.

Pixel deletion control

Zyskaj precyzyjną kontrolę nad rozmieszczeniem pikseli dzięki elastycznej opcji usuwania. Ta funkcja jest kompatybilna z:

  • Pages
  • Posts
  • Categories
  • Tags
  • Custom post types (such as WooCommerce products, EDD downloads, etc.)

Simply edit the desired page and select "Remove Pixel" to exclude the Facebook pixel from that page.

Integration of dynamic event parameters

Enhance your events with dynamic page-specific parameters, including:

  • [id] – Captures the WordPress post ID
  • [title] – gets the title of the content
  • [content_type] – specifies the post type
  • [categories] – displays a list of content categories
  • [tags] – lists content tags

These dynamic parameters allow you to create versatile standard and custom events that can be adapted to any page.

Customizable thank you pages

A highly sought after add-on for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads. This feature allows you to:

  • Set up a general custom thank you page for all customers.
  • Create specific thank you pages for each product, with different behaviors depending on the contents of your cart.
  • Options to show or hide cart contents with the ability to adjust positioning on a custom page.

Thank you pages for individual products in multi-product baskets are preferred.

System PixelYourSite Pro Super Pack gwarantuje, że zdarzenie zakupu zostanie zarejestrowane na wszystkich niestandardowych stronach z podziękowaniami, co umożliwia dokładne śledzenie konwersji.

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Pixel Integration

Zastosuj optymalizację mobilną dzięki dodatkowi zgodnemu z AMP. Chociaż dodatek nie dodaje obsługi AMP, umożliwia wstawianie piksela Facebooka na stronach AMP, usprawniając śledzenie na urządzeniach mobilnych i kierowanie na odbiorców.

Compatible with:

  • AMP plugin by Automatic
  • AMP for WP – Accelerated Pages plugin
  • AMP WooCommerce plugin

Note: Due to AMP limitations, some features such as dynamic events and traffic source tracking may not be fully functional.

To activate the plug-in, enter any 10-digit license key.


New software versions are usually available within a few days. New versions can be downloaded at downloads panel or on product pages (while logged in).

If there is no information about the current version number under the developer's name on the product page, you can check it for plugins here , and for templates here.

You can also update multiple plugins and templates with just one click! Only SSH and FTP access is required. You will find more information here.

The option of sending update requests is available only to logged in users.