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Advanced Custom Fields AFC Flexible Content Plugin

3,00 $

Developer: AFC

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Advanced Custom Fields AFC Flexible Content plugin

3,00 $

Create better WordPress sites with flexible data from Advanced Custom Fields PRO

The most advanced layout manager for WordPress. The “Flexible Content” field offers an intuitive, well-organized block-based editor. Using layouts and sub-fields to design blocks, this field acts as a blank canvas, giving you the ability to define, create, and manage content with complete control over it. By default, WordPress posts and pages offer a limited set of fields for data entry. Advanced Custom Fields PRO lets you create new custom fields for posts, pages, and custom post types, providing more flexibility similar to other content management systems.

Create fields visually

  • Select from multiple field types (text, textarea, wysiwyg, image, file, page link, post object, story and more)
  • Assigning fields to multiple edit pages (via custom location rules)
  • Easy data loading thanks to a simple and friendly API
  • Leveraging native WordPress features for ease of use and fast processing

Simplicity and intuitiveness

After installation, simply create a field group, add fields and define location rules. The fields are ready to be filled with data!

Multiple field types

With over 20 field types available, managing custom data has never been easier!

For developers

At the heart of the Advanced Custom Fields plugin is a simple and intuitive API. Use functions like get_field() and the_field() to quickly create templates.

Advanced Custom Fields PRO – professional version

The PRO version offers more fields, features and flexibility. It includes:

  • Repeater – a set of subfields that can be repeated many times when editing content.
  • Gallery – an intuitive interface for managing your image collection.
  • Flexible content – define groups of subfields and add, edit and reorder them to create highly customized content.
  • Options Pages – Additional administration pages for editing ACF fields.
  • And many more features available in ACF v5!

What's new in ACF PRO

The plugin now offers smarter field settings, better version control, new forms, better validation and many other improvements that make it even more advanced and user-friendly.


New software versions are usually available within a few days. New versions can be downloaded at downloads panel or on product pages (while logged in).

If there is no information about the current version number under the developer's name on the product page, you can check it for plugins here , and for templates here.

You can also update multiple plugins and templates with just one click! Only SSH and FTP access is required. You will find more information here.

The option of sending update requests is available only to logged in users.