In most stores you can find small items at a very low price per item, just think about trinkets or nail tags. The customer may be someone who needs large quantities of such a product or just a few items, but in this case shipping a small quantity of items would take too long compared to the profit. Not to mention the shipping costs that would be much higher than the price of the products you purchase.
What if you wanted to create special offers on products? Some customers might abuse such an offer, where the intention was to promote the store and reach new customers with the offer, and they would buy the product in bulk at the wholesale price. Wouldn't setting a maximum number of items to add to the cart be the ideal solution to prevent this?
Providing a good user experience on your website is also what leads users to the best and most suitable choice for them, also to the most easy one: and here a plug like YITH WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity that allows you to set a minimum or maximum amount of product. It will help to take care of customers, guide them during the purchase and ensure their satisfaction.
Whether you want to set a minimum or maximum quantity for the same product or the entire cart, whether you want to set minimum or maximum expenses, whether you want to include shipping costs or not, this plugin will provide you with this option.
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