Nexter Blocks Pro – Ultimate WordPress Page Builder Addon
Odblokuj pełny potencjał swojej witryny WordPress dzięki Nexter Blocks Pro! Wtyczka premium oferuje kompletny zestaw ponad 90 wydajnych bloków WordPress, które są lekkie, niesamowicie szybkie i zaprojektowane tak, aby bezproblemowo współpracować z niemal każdym motywem WordPress. Ciesz się najpłynniejszym doświadczeniem tworzenia stron internetowych, wspieranym przez inteligentne kodowanie i zoptymalizowane funkcje ładowania.
Why choose Nexter Blocks Pro?
- 90+ WordPress Blocks — Enhance your page building capabilities with a versatile selection of blocks.
- The fastest WordPress page builder — Built in pure Vanilla JS, ensuring no jQuery dependencies for ultimate speed.
- Optimized CSS and JS loading — Only one CSS and JS file is loaded per page, regardless of the number of blocks.
- Zero Bloat — No external dependencies or unnecessary scripts, making your site lightweight and responsive.
- Conditional file loading — Loads only the styles you need, even with over 1000 design possibilities.
- Built-in lazy loading — improves performance by lazy loading images and animations.
Unique Features in Nexter Blocks Pro
- Ajax Search Bar — Quickly access content with a fast, responsive search function.
- Blog Post Creator — Effortlessly create custom blog post layouts.
- Mega Menus — designing intuitive navigation for a smoother website experience.
- Popup maker/Offcanvas — creating engaging popups and off-canvas menus.
- Lists of posts and products — showcasing posts, custom post types, and WooCommerce products.
- Login/Registration Form — Customize user login and registration flows.
- Image and video gallery — display visual content in dynamic carousels or galleries.
- Social Feed and Reviews — share social media channels and user reviews directly on your site.
Exclusive styling effects
With Nexter Blocks Pro you can add unique style to your WordPress site without any custom coding:
- Dark mode switch
- Interactive 3D elements
- Image scroll sequence animations
- Lottie's Advanced Trigger Animations
- Custom Mouse Cursors
- Parallax scrolling on multiple pages
Comprehensive block library
- Plus Blocks — key elements such as carousels, data tables, charts, and more.
- Plus Listing — flexible post layouts, custom post types, and WooCommerce products.
- PlusBuilder — Configurable WooCommerce elements and blog post improvements.
- Plus Extras — advanced animations, tooltips, and custom shadow effects.
Backed by trust and performance
- 60-day money back guarantee — satisfaction guarantee with full money back policy.
- We are trusted by over 20,000 users — Join thousands of users who trust Nexter Blocks Pro for their websites.
- 50+ 5 star reviews — highly rated by users for performance and reliability.