All-in-one digital asset solution for WordPress Download Manager Pro
Discover the ultimate file and document management tool with WordPress Download Manager Pro. This premium add-on offers a suite of features designed to streamline your digital asset management. Whether you want to password protect your documents, control access based on user roles, or leverage detailed logs for review, this plugin has everything you need.
More than just a plugin
WordPress Download Manager Pro stands out as a top-notch file/document management plugin, offering a wide range of functionality to manage, track and control file downloads. It's a complete e-commerce solution for anyone who wants to sell digital products directly from their WordPress site. With capabilities ranging from pricing changes and licensing to download visibility for individual members, it covers all the bases.
Increase your website functionality and user experience with this comprehensive digital asset management solution. It's designed to make it easy to sell digital products, monitor downloads, and much more, making it an essential tool for your WordPress site.
Upgrade your experience with a special package
Specjalny pakiet Menedżera pobierania WordPress przenosi możliwości Menedżera pobierania WordPress Pro na wyższy poziom. Widząc zapotrzebowanie większości użytkowników na określone dodatki, wybraliśmy ten ekskluzywny pakiet zawierający WordPress Download Manager Pro wraz z najbardziej poszukiwanymi dodatkami, a wszystko to w wyjątkowej cenie.
What's included in the special package:
- Download Manager Pro
- WordPress Private Message
- Advanced custom fields
- WPDM – file basket
- Addition to the WPDM catalog
- WPDM – movie database
- Front End Category Manager
- Remote FTP WPDM add-on
- Download limit
- WPDM – form lock
- Live form – drag and drop form builder
- Advanced access control
- Premium Package – a solution for a WordPress digital store
- Data storage plugin for WordPress Amazon S3
- WPDM blocking link
- WordPress PDF Viewer
Reach the full potential of your WordPress site with WordPress Download Manager Pro and its special package, providing a solid solution for managing, selling and protecting your products and digital files.