Building intuitive pages with ACF Frontend for Elementor
Rozszerzenie ACF i Elementor, które umożliwia łatwe wyświetlanie formularzy interfejsu ACF dla użytkowników w edytorze Elementor, dzięki czemu użytkownicy mogą samodzielnie edytować zawartość z poziomu interfejsu użytkownika. Wtyczka musi mieć zainstalowane i aktywowane zarówno Elementor, jak i Advanced Custom Fields. Możesz tworzyć niesamowite formularze w ACF, które zapisują niestandardowe metadane na stronach, w postach, użytkownikach i nie tylko. Podczas tworzenia witryn dla klientów, celem jest dostarczenie systemu łatwego w zarządzaniu. Z ACF Frontend dla Elementora dostarczasz zaawansowane, przejrzyste i łatwe w obsłudze witryny.
- No coding required: Offer the end user the best content management experience without the need for ACF or Elementor documentation.
- Editing posts: Enable users to edit posts directly from the front-end of their site.
- Adding posts: Let users post new posts from the front-end.
- Editing a user profile: Enable users to easily edit their data directly from the front-end.
- Registration form: Allow new users to register on your website.
- Hiding the administration panel: Select which users have access to the WordPress admin panel.
- Permission configuration: Choose who sees your form based on user role or specific users.
- Modal Popup: Display the form in a modal window when a button is clicked, so it doesn't take up space on your pages.
- Editing global options: If you have global data, such as header and footer data, you can create an options page using ACF and allow users to edit from the front-end.
- Upload restriction: Prevent all or specific users from submitting a form more than a specified number of times.
- User role field: Allow users to select a role when editing their profile or registering.
- Sending emails: Set up email sending and map ACF form data to email fields.
- Style tab: Use Elementor to style your form and buttons.
- Multi-step forms: Make your forms more engaging by adding multiple steps to them.
- Stripe payments: (Coming soon) Accept payments via Stripe after form submission.
- Woocommerce integration: (Coming soon) Easily add Woocommerce products from the front-end. Add products to the user's cart after submitting the form.