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Pin Pinterest Style Personal Masonry Blog Front-end Submission Template

3,00 $

Developer: Themeforest

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Pin Pinterest Style Personal Masonry Blog Front-end Submission Template

3,00 $

Pin Premium WordPress Theme is a stylish and responsive Pinterest theme for bloggers. Created with love using the latest HTML5 and CSS3 techniques with code validation (both demos), completely responsive to look perfect on all mobile devices, easy to use on any device as well as desktop. Responsive design optimized for tablets and smartphones (resize your browser and hit the refresh button to check).

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New software versions are usually available within a few days. New versions can be downloaded at downloads panel or on product pages (while logged in).

If there is no information about the current version number under the developer's name on the product page, you can check it for plugins here , and for templates here.

You can also update multiple plugins and templates with just one click! Only SSH and FTP access is required. You will find more information here.

The option of sending update requests is available only to logged in users.

Information about additional downloads is available for logged in users