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3,00 $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
YITH Product Shipping for WooCommerce Premium is a WooCommerce plugin distributed by YIThemes. The plugin allows you to set different shipping rates for each product, region, state or city, including product variations. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3,00 $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In most stores you can find small items at a very low price per piece, just think about trinkets or nail tags. The customer may be a person who needs large quantities of such a product or just a few pieces, but in this case shipping… Show more (+)
W większości sklepów można znaleźć drobne przedmioty o bardzo niskiej cenie za sztukę, wystarczy pomyśleć o drobiazgach lub przywieszkach do paznokci. Klientem może być osoba, która potrzebuje dużych ilości takiego produktu lub tylko kilka sztuk, ale w tym przypadku wysyłka małej ilości przedmiotów zajęłaby zbyt dużo czasu w porównaniu z zyskiem. Nie wspominając o kosztach wysyłki, które byłyby znacznie wyższe niż cena zakupionych produktów.A co by było, gdybyś chciał stworzyć specjalne oferty na produkty? Niektórzy z klientów mogliby nadużywać takiej oferty, gdzie zamiarem była promocja sklepu i dotarcie z tą ofertą do nowych klientów, a oni by kupowali produkt hurtowo w cenie hurtowej. Czy ustawienie maksymalnej liczby przedmiotów do dodania do koszyka nie byłoby idealnym rozwiązaniem, aby temu zapobiec?Zapewnienie dobrego wrażenia użytkownika w Twojej witrynie jest również tym, co prowadzi użytkowników do najlepszego i najbardziej odpowiedniego dla nich wyboru, także do najbardziej łatwego: i tutaj wtyczka taka jak YITH WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity, która pozwala ustalić minimalną lub maksymalną ilość produktu. Pomoże zadbać ona o klientów, pokieruje nimi podczas zakupu i zadba o ich satysfakcję.Niezależnie od tego, czy chcesz ustawić minimalną lub maksymalną ilość sztuk tego samego produktu, czy w całym koszyku, niezależnie od tego, czy chcesz ustawić minimalne lub maksymalne wydatki, czy chcesz uwzględnić koszty wysyłki, czy nie, ta wtyczka zapewni tą możliwość. Show less (-)
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3,00 $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The YITH WooCommerce Brands add-on allows you to introduce a brand system to your store, which is now quite a common option for any type of product: from jewelry to food, customers know which brand they trust and will be more willing to buy if they see it… Show more (+)
Dodatek YITH WooCommerce Brands pozwala na wprowadzenie systemu marek do Twojego sklepu, co jest obecnie dość powszechną opcją dla każdego rodzaju produktu: od biżuterii po jedzenie, klienci wiedzą, której marce ufają i będą bardziej chętni do zakupu jeśli zobaczą to w Twoim katalogu! Pomyśl o wartości, jaką marki mogą wnieść do Twojego sklepu: Twoi klienci będą przyciągać do Twojego sklepu znane marki i będą bardziej zmotywowani do zakupu tego, co w nim znajdą, ponieważ ufają marek, które sprzedajesz i będzie bardziej zmotywowany do płacenia wysokich cen za produkty wysokiej jakości.
Wszystko to jest możliwe bez wysiłku dzięki wtyczce YITH WooCommerce Brands Add-on. Możesz wyświetlać marki na stronie produktu, wyświetlać wszystkie marki w swoim sklepie na pasku bocznym, filtrować produkty wyświetlane według marki i wiele więcej. Oprócz tego, jeśli korzystasz z wtyczki YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search, możesz pozwolić użytkownikom na wyszukiwanie produktów określonej marki, dzięki czemu obie wtyczki będą coraz bardziej funkcjonalne i zorientowane na sprzedaż. Show less (-)
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3,00 $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The YITH WooCommerce Watermark Premium plugin allows you to add a logo or watermark to product photos in an automated manner. Easily protect your e-commerce images by inserting logo, watermark, credits etc. How you can benefit from it. You will be able to place your… Show more (+)
The YITH WooCommerce Watermark Premium plugin allows you to add a logo or watermark to product photos in an automated way. Easily protect your eCommerce images by inserting your logo, watermark, credits etc on them. How you can benefit from it. You will be able to put your logo and e-commerce name on all your images, attracting new potential customers through search engines. You will protect your images from unauthorized use (especially useful if you sell digital products or if you want to protect the copyright of images that you publish online such as photos, images, comics, etc.). The plug is used by 5,253 customers, rated 4.5 / 5 and with 98% customer satisfaction with support! Show less (-)
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YITH WooCommerce Membership Plugin - 2.19.0 | 3,00 $ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The YITH WooCommerce Membership Premium plugin allows you to create a subscription or store membership (membership) to sell access to your services on the store website or other products. Selling products with dedicated access is a great opportunity to increase your income: large companies… Show more (+)
The YITH WooCommerce Membership Premium plugin allows you to create a subscription or membership to a store to sell access to your services on the store's website or other products. Selling products with dedicated access is a great opportunity to increase your income: big companies like Udemy and Treehouse are proving it by achieving huge sales volumes with this business model. Their income should grow given the number of people looking for their products. Show less (-)
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3,00 $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The plugin adds a popup to the website that appears when unlogged users try to log in or perform other activities that require logging in. The plugin enables quick login or registration on the website, including the ability to log in with one click via social media. Thanks… Show more (+)
The plugin adds a popup to the page that appears when logged in users try to log in or perform other activities that require logging in. The plugin allows you to quickly log in or register on the website, including the ability to log in with one click via social media. Thanks to this plugin, you will increase conversions and reduce the amount of abandoned carts. Show less (-)
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3,00 $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The plugin allows you to create pre-orders through advanced functions. Whenever a product or service is about to be launched, your customers have a sense of expectation, which makes them more likely to make a purchase. Unfortunately, this unconscious process is rarely properly… Show more (+)
The plugin allows you to create pre-eds with advanced functions. Every time a product or service is about to be launched on the market, your customers have a sense of expectation which increases the likelihood that they will decide to buy. Unfortunately, this unconscious process is seldom used properly, and when a new product hits the market, many customers have already lost interest in it. With YITH WooCommerce Pre-Order, you can immediately see an improvement in sales of new or temporarily unavailable items, offering your customers the opportunity to purchase the products they are looking for and receive them only after they are officially sold. Show less (-)
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3,00 $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A common problem with all Wordpress online stores is too chaotic order numbering. Fortunately, with YITH WooCommerce Sequential Order Number you will be able to set order numbering as you wish, in addition to managing free orders independently.YITH WooCommerce Sequential Order Number was created to solve one… Show more (+)
A frequent problem of all Wordpress online stores is too chaotic order numbering. Fortunately, with YITH WooCommerce Sequential Order Number you will be able to set the order numbering as you wish, in addition to managing free orders independently. YITH WooCommerce Order Number was created to solve one of the most annoying problems of online store owners. Aside from the issue of sequential numbering for each type of item you create (both articles and products), the plugin gives you better control over sequencing for your shop's order being created. In addition, you can also decide to exclude free orders from this numbering and save them in a different numerical order . In this way, your store will be even more user-friendly, immediate and tailored to individual needs, using dedicated prefixes and suffixes for the free management of customer orders. Show less (-)
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3,00 $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The best time to sell your goods is now! Many customers do not buy the goods they need because they are not at home, they often work and do not want to receive it at that particular moment, so they postpone the purchase and do not buy it anymore. YITH WooCommerce… Show more (+)
The best time to sell your goods is now! Many customers do not buy the goods they need because they are not at home, they often work and do not want to receive it at that particular moment, so they postpone the purchase and do not buy it anymore. YITH WooCommerce Delivery Date Premium Plugin is perfect for recovering lost customers and creating specialized services such as home delivery of gifts and products. What the plugin does: You will allow your customers to choose a specific delivery date for the products they have purchased. One of the most common problems with shipping items purchased online is not being able to determine when the item will be shipped. The only way to avoid this is to delay your purchase and wait, often forgetting about it or completely losing interest in the product.YITH WooCommerce Delivery Date is a plugin that will change the way you deal with seller-customer relationships and help you create an efficient shipping and delivery system, that will increase your sales! The plugin is perfect to win back lost customers and create dedicated services such as home delivery of gifts and products. Show less (-)
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3,00 $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The YITH WooCommerce Role Based Prices Premium plugin allows you to create rules based on which prices are automatically set in the store. A good way to show users the right price when suppliers build a partnership with you, they expect that they will have the opportunity to buy at… Show more (+)
YITH WooCommerce Role Based Prices Premium plugin allows you to create rules based on which prices are automatically set in your store. A good way to show users the right price when suppliers build a partnership with you, they expect to be able to buy on your site with a dedicated price list, without much hassle and without having to exchange unlimited emails or phone calls with the administration for each order. It would be nice to have the ability to apply and show the right price for each user role of your store after their authentication. "Role based prices" make it possible in an extremely fast and easy way. Show less (-)
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3,00 $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
YITH WooCommerce Waiting List allows users to request email notification when a missing product returns to stock. Statistics conducted on online stores have proven that sales have increased thanks to the product waitlist function: from 10 to 15% waitlist inquiries led to sales... Show more (+)
YITH WooCommerce Waiting List allows users to request an email notification when a missing product returns to storage. Online store statistics showed that sales increased thanks to the product waitlist function: from 10 to 15% of waiting list inquiries led to sales. A product waiting list is the easiest way to keep your customers loyal and avoid losing them when products are unavailable. Have you run out of one of the most popular products? Are you waiting for deliveries but are you afraid of losing customers? Give them the option to add the missing product to the product waiting list and email them as soon as they come back to your e-commerce. This allows you not to lose customers and is the easiest way to keep them loyal without letting them escape. You will see an increase in sales and customer satisfaction. Show less (-)
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3,00 $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
From January 1, 2015, the European Union entered into force new regulations on the taxation of the purchase of digital goods (software, electronics, e-books, telecommunications and broadcasting services) for European citizens. For consumer sales, the store must apply the VAT of the buyer's country. In business… Show more (+)
From January 1, 2015, the European Union entered into force new regulations on the taxation of the purchase of digital goods (software, electronics, e-books, telecommunications and broadcasting services) for European citizens. For consumer sales, the store must apply the VAT of the buyer's country. In business, everything depends on whether the company has a valid VAT number recognized by the European Union. 28 countries means 28 different calculations. Do you think this might be confusing? Well, because with YITH WooCommerce EU VAT everything will be automatic. As an e-commerce owner, you should be aware of the new European regulations regarding digital goods. In fact, the European Union has decided to apply the VAT of the buyer's country to B2C (business to consumer) sales. On the contrary, in the case of B2B (business to business) sales, if the company has a valid VAT number, the purchase will not be charged any VAT, otherwise the VAT that will be applied would be the same as in the case of B2C sales. Show less (-)
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3,00 $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Let your customers compare similar products in a table that highlights differences and focuses on product features. Offer your customers a broad overview of the main features and functionality of your products, helping them choose the best solution for their needs. Improve trading usability… Show more (+)
Let your customers compare similar products in a table that highlights the differences and focuses on the features of the product. Offer your customers a broad overview of the main features and functionality of your products, helping them choose the best solution for their needs. Improve e-commerce usability and user experience by preventing uncertainties that can affect your final sale. The plugin is used by 10,001 customers, rated 4.5 / 5 and with 98% customer satisfaction with support! Show less (-)
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3,00 $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The YITH Product Size Charts for WooCommerce Premium plugin allows you to add a table with sizes for a product. Help your customers choose the right size by adding an effective size chart on your product pages. You will increase sales of products whose size the customer must choose by giving them a tool… Show more (+)
The YITH Product Size Charts for WooCommerce Premium plugin allows you to add a size table for a product. Help your customers choose the right size by adding an effective size chart on the product pages. You will increase sales of products whose size the customer has to choose, giving them the tool to buy safely and resolve any doubts. You will be able to limit returns and returns of products that do not meet the needs of users by offering a wider overview of the products you sell. You will improve the usability of your website and the user experience when buying by reducing the number of information and / or support requests related to size, weight, etc. Show less (-)
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3,00 $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The YITH WooCommerce Tab Manager Premium plugin allows you to easily create new tabs for products, share tabs for multiple products, regroup via an easy drag-and-drop system, and many other functions. Set up custom tabs on your product pages to display all… Show more (+)
The YITH WooCommerce Tab Manager Premium plugin allows you to easily create new tabs for products, share tabs for multiple products or regrouping through an easy drag-and-drop system and many other functions. Set up custom tabs on product pages to display all the information you need, such as manuals, documents, maps, galleries, etc. You will improve the usability of your product page by organizing information in an easy and organized way. You will be able to insert any type of content, such as rich technical datasheets, manuals, video tutorials, frequently asked questions, etc. without interfering with the page layout. Organize your product data as tabs to offer your customers a broad overview and enable them to find useful information before purchasing the product. Use tabs to insert promotions and custom offers, suggest related products, etc. Show less (-)
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