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WPForms developer plugins

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Wtyczka Wpforms – Geolocation | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
2,29 $
Want to learn more about the visitors who fill out your online forms? The WPForms geolocation add-on allows you to collect and store geolocation data of your website visitors along with their form submission. This insight can help you get better information and change more potential…
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Chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej o odwiedzających, którzy wypełniają Twoje formularze online? Dodatek do geolokalizacji WPForms umożliwia zbieranie i przechowywanie danych geolokalizacyjnych odwiedzających witrynę wraz z przesłaniem ich formularza. Ten wgląd może pomóc Ci uzyskać lepsze informacje i zmienić więcej potencjalnych klientów w klientów. Dodatek do geolokalizacji jest plug-and-play. Nic skomplikowanego. Po aktywacji informacje o kraju, stanie i mieście użytkownika zostaną zapisane wraz z przesłanym formularzem.
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Wtyczka Wpforms – Paypal Standard | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
2,29 $
Want to collect payments on your website? Whether you're collecting donations or selling products and services, WPForms can help. Once the user finishes filling out the form, you can automatically move it to complete the PayPal transaction. We know that collecting payments can be…
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Want to collect payments on your website? Whether you’re collecting donations or selling products and services, WPForms can help. Once a user has finished filling out a form, you can automatically transfer them to complete their PayPal checkout. We know that collecting payments can be difficult, so we’ve made sure that the setup process is really easy. You can choose from a range of pre-made donation order and invoice form templates, or you can start from scratch by filling out a blank form. The drag-and-drop builder makes it super easy to customize your form, adding and removing fields with a simple point-and-click process. Advanced payment fields let you add multiple items and show the total amount before a user places an order, so they know exactly what they’re paying for. For donations, users can easily select a donation amount or enter a custom amount to continue with their donation.
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Wtyczka Wpforms – Signatures | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
2,29 $
Do you want to be able to collect signatures using WordPress forms? The WPForms Signature add-on allows visitors to add signatures when filling out forms by simply drawing with a mouse or touchscreen. Once the user submits the form, their signature will be saved as a PNG image…
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Do you want to be able to collect signatures with your WordPress forms? The WPForms Signature add-on allows visitors to add signatures while filling out forms by simply drawing with their mouse or touch screen. Once a user submits the form, their signature is saved as a PNG image and attached to the form entry. If a user makes a mistake, there’s no need to fill out the form again. They can easily click the X in the signature box to remove their signature and start over, without reloading the page. The goal with the Signature add-on is to save time by allowing you to collect everything you need from your users. Now there’s no need to print, scan, or fax documents to get a signature.
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Wtyczka Wpforms – Paypal Commerce | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
2,29 $
Need an easy way to accept PayPal and credit cards on your WordPress site? The WPForms PayPal Commerce plugin makes it easy. Set it up quickly in just a few clicks. Grow your business with one-time or recurring payments Easily accept PayPal payments on any…
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Need an easy way to accept PayPal and credit cards on your WordPress site? The WPForms PayPal Commerce add-on makes it easy. Quickly set it up in a few clicks. Grow your business with one-time or recurring payments Easily accept PayPal payments anywhere on your site. Securely accept payments via customizable PayPal credit card fields. Process payments on your site without worrying about additional fees. We don't charge per transaction fees. Easily set up automatic subscriptions for recurring service contracts, donations, and more. Prevent users from leaving your site to go to PayPal. They can pay in a modal on the page.
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Wtyczka WPForms – Sendinblue Addon | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
2,29 $
The WPForms Sendinblue add-on helps you organize your leads, automate your marketing, and engage your subscribers. Do you use Sendinblue for email marketing? Do you want to create smart Sendinblue contact forms in WordPress and improve your email marketing? WPForms has made it very easy for users to create unlimited forms…
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The WPForms Sendinblue plugin helps you organize your leads, automate your marketing, and engage your subscribers. Are you using Sendinblue for your email marketing? Do you want to create smart Sendinblue contact forms in WordPress and streamline your email marketing? WPForms has made it very easy for users to create unlimited newsletter subscription forms for the Sendinblue email marketing platform. You can quickly create a newsletter signup form and connect it to your Sendinblue account with the integration via the Sendinblue plugin. The Sendinblue plugin lets you subscribe users to lists, unsubscribe users, delete users, and track events. Combine this with smart conditional logic, and you can create hyper-segmented email lists to ensure maximum engagement and results.
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Wtyczka WPForms Multilingual | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
2,29 $
WPForms Multilingual – Enhance your WPForms with WPML Effortlessly transform your forms into multiple languages with WPForms Multilingual using the WPForms multilingual tool. This tool allows you to quickly translate every element of your forms, allowing you to seamlessly create multilingual versions. Create multilingual…
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WPForms Multilingual – Enhance your WPForms with WPML Effortlessly transform your forms into multiple languages with WPForms Multilingual using the WPForms multilingual tool. This tool allows you to quickly translate every element of your forms, allowing you to seamlessly create multilingual versions. Create multilingual forms with WPForms Multilingual Seamless integration Compatible with both WPForms and WPForms Lite. Comprehensive translation capabilities Efficiently convert all the text elements of your forms to create comprehensive, multilingual WPForms. Versatile translation methods Choose automatic translation, manual translation or the expertise of professional linguists.
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Wtyczka WPForms User Journey | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
2,29 $
Find out what steps guests take before submitting forms. Right in your WordPress dashboard, you can easily see the content that drives the most valuable form conversions. Do you want to know what users are doing on your site before they submit forms? With the WPForms User Journey add-on you can…
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Learn what steps guests are taking before they submit the forms. Right in your WordPress dashboard, you can easily see the content that causes the most valuable form conversions. Do you want to know what users on your site are doing before they submit the forms? Thanks to the WPForms User Journey add-on, you can see the detailed breakdown of the user's path by the site - right up to the submission of the form. If you've ever wondered which pages on your site are the most successful for getting reports, this add-on will answer all of these questions and more.
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Wtyczka Wpforms – Stripe | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
2,29 $
Chcesz bezproblemowo przyjmować płatności na swojej stronie? Niezależnie od tego, czy prowadzisz zbiórkę funduszy, sprzedajesz produkty, czy oferujesz usługi, WPForms zapewnia niezawodne rozwiązanie. Integracja ze Stripe pozwala szybko i wygodnie akceptować płatności kartą bezpośrednio w formularzach WordPress. Po przesłaniu formularza…
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Want to seamlessly accept payments on your site? Whether you’re fundraising, selling products, or offering services, WPForms provides a reliable solution. Stripe integration lets you quickly and conveniently accept card payments directly in your WordPress forms. After submitting the form, users can immediately enter their payment details, and the transaction will be processed in no time. We understand that handling online payments can be complicated, so we’ve simplified the entire setup process to a minimum. You can use ready-made payment, invoice, or donation form templates or create your own layout from scratch. The intuitive drag-and-drop editor makes personalizing forms quick and easy – adding, removing, and modifying fields doesn’t require advanced technical knowledge. Advanced features allow for dynamic calculation of the order total, giving users full cost transparency before making a payment. In the case of donations, visitors can specify the amount of support themselves or choose one of the suggested options.
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Wtyczka Wpforms – Form Abandonment | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
2,29 $
How many potential customers do you lose when users don't fill out forms? Multi-page forms can increase conversions because they are not as overwhelming as a long, one-page form. But even then, you lose potential customers when a user leaves your form without completing the last page. When…
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Ile potencjalnych klientów tracisz, gdy użytkownicy nie wypełniają formularzy? Formularze wielostronicowe mogą zwiększyć liczbę konwersji, ponieważ nie są tak przytłaczające jak długi, jednostronicowy formularz. Ale nawet wtedy tracisz potencjalnych klientów, gdy użytkownik opuszcza Twój formularz bez wypełniania ostatniej strony. Gdy odejdą, nie ma gwarancji, że kiedykolwiek wrócą, aby ją ukończyć. Teraz, dzięki nowemu dodatkowi do porzuconych formularzy, możesz zapisywać częściowe wpisy i kontaktować się z zainteresowanymi potencjalnymi klientami, nawet jeśli nie wypełnią całego formularza. Porzucenie formularza pomoże Ci zdobyć więcej potencjalnych klientów bez zwiększania ruchu.
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Wtyczka Wpforms – Offline Forms | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
2,29 $
The key to getting the most out of your forms is to make it as easy as possible for your visitors to submit them. Disconnecting from the internet while trying to submit a form is enough to make most people just give up forever... which means you've lost touch. That's why we created an offline form submission mode…
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The key to getting the most out of your forms is making it as easy as possible for visitors to submit them. Disconnecting from the internet while trying to submit a form is enough for most people to just quit forever… which means you've lost touch. Therefore, we have created an offline form submission mode to make it easier for users to save their data even when they are disconnected. Anything they enter into forms will be saved in the browser, even if they close the tab or exit the browser entirely. Then, once the internet connection is restored, they can easily restore their information and send it to you. Now offline mode for forms can be easily turned on by simply checking the appropriate box.
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Wtyczka Wpforms – Drip | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
2,29 $
Czy używasz Drip do marketingu e-mailowego? Czy chcesz tworzyć inteligentne formularze rejestracyjne Drip i osadzać je w swojej witrynie WordPress? W WPForms bardzo ułatwiliśmy użytkownikom tworzenie nieograniczonej liczby formularzy subskrypcji biuletynów dla Drip. Możesz szybko utworzyć formularz zapisu do newslettera…
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Czy używasz Drip do marketingu e-mailowego? Czy chcesz tworzyć inteligentne formularze rejestracyjne Drip i osadzać je w swojej witrynie WordPress? W WPForms bardzo ułatwiliśmy użytkownikom tworzenie nieograniczonej liczby formularzy subskrypcji biuletynów dla Drip. Możesz szybko utworzyć formularz zapisu do newslettera i połączyć go ze swoim kontem Drip z integracją za pośrednictwem dodatku Drip. Ten dodatek do formularzy WordPress pozwala dodawać subskrybentów do konta, rejestrować zdarzenia, takie jak dodawanie lub usuwanie tagów, ocenianie potencjalnych klientów i nie tylko. Łącząc to z inteligentną logiką warunkową, możesz tworzyć hipersegmentowane listy e-mailowe, aby uzyskać maksymalne zaangażowanie i wyniki. Dodatek WPForms Drip umożliwia wysyłanie wiadomości e-mail subskrybenta, identyfikatora użytkownika WordPress, adresu IP użytkownika, tagu potencjalnego klienta i wszelkich innych niestandardowych zdarzeń Drip.
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Wtyczka Wpforms – Aweber | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
2,29 $
Are you using AWeber for email marketing? Are you looking to create smarter AWeber signup forms in WordPress? At WPForms, we’ve made it incredibly easy for users to create unlimited newsletter signup forms for AWeber. You can quickly create a newsletter signup form and connect it to your account…
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Are you using AWeber for email marketing? Are you looking to create smarter AWeber signup forms in WordPress? At WPForms, we have made it very easy for users to create unlimited newsletter subscription forms for AWeber. You can quickly create a newsletter signup form and connect it to your AWeber account with the integration via the AWeber add-on. The add-on allows you to choose which email list and segmentation to add the subscriber to, giving you complete flexibility. Combine this with smart conditional logic, and you can create hyper-segmented email lists for maximum engagement and results. In addition to subscription forms, you can also use the AWeber add-on with other forms, such as a normal contact form, quote request, and basically any other form. This allows you to give your users multiple options to sign up for your newsletter, allowing you to get maximum results. You have the option to map form fields to different merge fields in AWeber, so you have 100% control.
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Wtyczka Wpforms – Campaign Monitor | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
2,29 $
Do you use Campaign Monitor for email marketing? Do you want to create smarter signup forms with Campaign Monitor in WordPress? At WPForms, we’ve made it really easy for users to create unlimited newsletter signup forms for Campaign Monitor. You can quickly create a newsletter signup form and…
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Are you using Campaign Monitor for email marketing? Are you looking to create smarter Campaign Monitor signup forms in WordPress? At WPForms, we’ve made it incredibly easy for users to create unlimited newsletter signup forms for Campaign Monitor. You can quickly create a newsletter signup form and connect it to your Campaign Monitor account with integration via the Campaign Monitor add-on. The add-on lets you choose which email list and segmentation to add the subscriber to, giving you complete flexibility. Combine this with smart conditional logic and you can create hyper-segmented email lists for maximum engagement and results. In addition to sign-up forms, you can also use the Campaign Monitor add-on with other forms, such as a regular contact form, quote request, and basically any other form. This allows you to give your users multiple ways to subscribe to your newsletter, allowing you to get maximum results. You have the ability to map form fields to different merge fields in Campaign Monitor, giving you 100% control.
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