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8,00 $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flexible Checkout Fields PRO - Edit, add new or hide unnecessary fields on your checkout form for better conversions and customer experience. Key Benefits of Flexible Checkout Fields PRO: Best looking checkout fields plugin Field order Labels and placeholders Show or hide… Show more (+)
Flexible Checkout Fields PRO - Edit, add new or hide unnecessary fields on your checkout form for better conversions and customer experience. Key Benefits of Flexible Checkout Fields PRO: Best looking checkout fields plugin Field order Labels and placeholders Show or hide fields Required or optional fields Custom CSS class PLEASE DO NOT UPDATE THE FREE PLUGIN IF YOU DON'T HAVE A NEWER PRO VERSION. THE FREE VERSION MUST BE DOWNLOADED AND UPDATED FROM US. Show less (-)
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3,00 $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TO ACTIVATE THE PLUGIN PLEASE INSTALL VERSION 2.7.11 FIRST. IT WILL NOT TURN ON WITH THE LATEST WOOCOMMERCE, BUT IT WILL SAVE THE LICENSE DATA IN THE DATABASE WHEN YOU TRY TO TURN IT ON. AFTER THAT YOU NEED TO INSTALL THE CURRENT VERSION, IT SHOULD ACTIVATE AFTER TURNING IT ON. Advanced Product Fields (Product Add-ons) allow you to add additional form fields to your WooCommerce product pages. Whether you want to create a pizza configurator or add additional options, this plugin has it all! Let your customers personalize your product with a few additional options, fields, etc. These options can also increase the price of the final product. The additional form data submitted by the customer will be shown on the cart and checkout pages and will be saved in the backend order. The backend looks and works similarly to ACF, so you are familiar with configuring additional product options without hassle. Show less (-)
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3,00 $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Improve your database with Advanced Database Cleaner Pro Is your WordPress database cluttered with outdated data? Advanced Database Cleaner Pro is the best solution for a pristine and efficient database. Uninstalling plugins and themes can often leave behind unwanted data, but… Show more (+)
Ulepsz swoją bazę danych za pomocą Advanced Database Cleaner ProCzy baza danych WordPress jest zaśmiecona nieaktualnymi danymi? Advanced Database Cleaner Pro to najlepsze rozwiązanie zapewniające nieskazitelną i wydajną bazę danych. Odinstalowanie wtyczek i motywów często może pozostawić niechciane dane, ale narzędzie zapewnia dokładne usunięcie osieroconych opcji, tabel i zadań cron.Zminimalizuj rozmiar bazy danych, przyspiesz tworzenie kopii zapasowych i zwiększ wydajność swojej witryny dzięki kompleksowemu narzędziu do czyszczenia. Advanced Database Cleaner Pro rygorystycznie eliminuje wszystkie niepotrzebne dane i optymalizuje bazę danych pod kątem maksymalnej wydajności.Kluczowe cechy nieskazitelnej bazy danych: Czystość postów: usuń nieaktualne wersje, wersje robocze i posty umieszczone w koszu, aby odchudzić tabelę postów. Czystość komentarzy: usuwaj niechciane komentarze, w tym spam, śmieci, pingbacki i trackbacki, optymalizując tabelę komentarzy. Zarządzanie metadanymi: pożegnaj się z osieroconymi metadanymi z postów, komentarzy, użytkowników, warunków i relacji. Oczyszczanie stanu przejściowego: automatycznie odrzucaj wygasłe opcje przejściowe, utrzymując porządek w bazie danych. Narzędzie do inspekcji: sprawdzaj osierocone elementy ze szczegółowymi statystykami przed usunięciem, aby mieć całkowitą pewność co do konserwacji bazy danych. Kontrola przechowywania danych: Zachowaj najnowsze dane, ustawiając próg operacji czyszczenia, chroniąc najnowsze informacje. Nadzór nad tabelą: przeglądaj statystyki tabeli i wykonuj kluczowe działania, takie jak optymalizacja, naprawa, a nawet usuwanie, jeśli to konieczne. Zarządzanie opcjami: sprawdzaj listę opcji, dostosowuj ustawienia automatycznego ładowania i z łatwością usuwaj zbędne wpisy. Zarządzanie zadaniami Cron: nadzoruj zaplanowane zadania, usuwaj zbędne i utrzymuj usprawnioną listę zadań Cron. Raporty diagnostyczne: otrzymuj kompleksowe raporty na temat stanu bazy danych, identyfikujące elementy gotowe do oczyszczenia. Automatyczne planowanie: ustaw wtyczkę tak, aby automatycznie czyściła i optymalizowała bazę danych zgodnie z harmonogramem, który Ci odpowiada. Zmniejszenie rozmiaru bazy danych: zwolnij miejsce, eliminując nieużywane dane, co prowadzi do szybszych i bardziej kompaktowych kopii zapasowych.Wyjątkowe funkcje Pro: Usuwanie osieroconych opcji: wykrywaj i usuwaj nieaktualne opcje z tabeli „wp_options”, aby zwiększyć wydajność witryny. Wykrywanie osieroconych tabel: Identyfikuj i czyść tabele pozostawione przez nieużywane wtyczki/motywy, zwiększając ogólną wydajność. Czyszczenie osieroconych zadań Cron: Usuń zalegające zadania Cron z odinstalowanych wtyczek/motywów, aby zapobiec błędom i zoptymalizować harmonogram zadań. Zaawansowana kategoryzacja elementów: sprawdzaj elementy, aby określić ich pochodzenie i w razie potrzeby aktualizuj kategoryzację w celu lepszego zarządzania. Ulepszone wyszukiwanie i filtrowanie: lokalizuj i organizuj opcje, tabele i zadania cron dzięki zaawansowanym opcjom filtrowania w oparciu o różne kryteria.Dzięki Advanced Database Cleaner Pro utrzymanie nieskazitelnej bazy danych WordPress nigdy nie było łatwiejsze. Uprość zarządzanie swoją witryną już dziś dzięki potężnemu narzędziu do czyszczenia.Proszę wpisać dowolny 10 cyfrowy klucz produktu jeśli licencja nie jest aktywna w zakładce license. Show less (-)
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3,00 $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shopping made easy with YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Premium Immerse your customers in a streamlined, efficient and delightful shopping journey with YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Premium. Enhance your online store with seamless product searches and a filtering engine that works effortlessly… Show more (+)
Shopping made easy with YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Premium Immerse your customers in a streamlined, efficient and delightful shopping journey with YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Premium. Enhance your online store with seamless product searches and a filtering engine that works effortlessly under the hood using Ajax technology. The plugin not only provides customers with the ease of navigating product listings, but also enhances their interface with comprehensive, customizable design options. Customizable Designs and Effective Product Visibility With YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Premium, you can enjoy the freedom to shape the aesthetics of your filters and product lists. Take advantage of the many design adaptations available and make each product stand out by using integrated combination effects or opting for tempting hover effects. Spice up your filters with striking 3D effects and vivid animations. Format and image versatility Offer your customers a visual feast with a variety of format effects such as grid and list views. Use multiple product image formats, including lightbox images, thumbnails and even video previews. Give your customers a personalized shopping experience by allowing them to save their filtering preferences using the Save Filter feature. Key Features of YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Premium Improved Permalinks: dynamically updates the current page's permalinks whenever a filter is applied Ajax Navigation: transforms default WooCommerce pagination into fast ajax navigation Easy Product Search: makes it easier to find the products you want Compatibility: syncs with product attributes, price ranges and custom taxonomies Range Sliders: includes a slider for each range to allow you to modify prices Product Count Display: displays the number of products corresponding to each option that can be filtered Attribute Display: allows you to display WooCommerce attributes as a color or image Search Engine Fade: disables the search engine for each filtered layer Filter Customization: enables multi-select/deselect filters for customizable attributes Typography and Color Customization: allows you to personalize the typography and color of filter labels Custom Labels: automatically generates custom labels for attributes and taxonomies Improve your e-commerce experience with YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Premium YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Premium provides an excellent product filtering system, thanks to which customers can quickly and precisely indicate the desired products. This cutting-edge plugin not only increases user satisfaction, but also drives conversion rates by meeting specific needs through countless filters such as price, color, material, size, and more. Moreover, thanks to the reliable Ajax technology, customers can preview products with one click. Not only does it offer countless filter styles, but it is also compatible with the YITH WooCommerce Brands Add-on and provides automatic suggestions, thus improving the navigation and transaction experience on the e-commerce platform. Show less (-)
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8,00 $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Create advanced product fields with Flexible Product Fields Pro Enhance your WooCommerce store with the premium Flexible Product Fields Pro plugin. This unique tool enhances WooCommerce's product offerings by introducing unique product customizations, allowing customers to design products tailored specifically to their preferences. Examples… Show more (+)
Create advanced product fields with Flexible Product Fields Pro Enhance your WooCommerce store with the premium Flexible Product Fields Pro plugin. This unique tool enhances WooCommerce's product offerings by introducing unique product customizations, allowing customers to design products tailored specifically to their preferences. Customization examples with Flexible Product Fields Pro Personalized text input for t-shirt prints or lettering Verified text fields for numbers, email addresses and URLs Drop-down buttons and options with pre-defined options - perfect for selecting sizes or components Color palettes and selectors allowing you to choose the perfect shade Date selection for products Checkboxes for additional benefits such as gift wrap or extra protection Additional enhancements such as headings, paragraphs or images to improve product descriptions... and many other customization options! Where can you see improvements with Flexible Product Fields Pro? Custom product fields created with this plugin can be presented on the product page, above or below the "Add to Cart" button, depending on your preference. Additionally, a concise summary of these improvements can be viewed on both the Shopping Cart and Checkout pages. Admins can also see them in the Order Details area of the dashboard. Free Version Features The free version of this plugin includes: Ability to add additional product options in product lists Display field names and their values during checkout Toggle to mark fields as mandatory Customizable placeholders and tooltips Styling options via CSS classes Product configuration persistence... and a diverse range of fields such as text, number, email address, URL, multiple checkboxes, color selection and much more! Ability to combine custom field groups with individual products Additional benefits in the Pro version Discover tons of features with the Pro version of flexible product fields: Group and manage the sequence of fields Introduce custom price fields with fixed and proportional price options Apply conditional logic to fields based on existing values Ability to clone field groups for improved performance Added fields such as advanced date selection and file upload Assign product enhancements at the category, tag or entire product level Experience the best of WooCommerce with the Flexible Product Fields Pro plugin! The Pro plugin has a lower latest version than the free version of the plugin. To check the current version of the plugin, please check the changelog on the developer's website. Show less (-)
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Smart Slider 3 Pro plug + Templates - | 3,00 $ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unleash your creativity with Nextend Smart Slider 3 Pro Transform your creative concepts into unique sliders with Nextend Smart Slider 3 Pro for WordPress. This tool is your ultimate design companion, allowing you to create sliders, blocks, pages and carousels that are… Show more (+)
Unleash Your Creativity with Nextend Smart Slider 3 Pro Transform your creative ideas into unique sliders with Nextend Smart Slider 3 Pro for WordPress. This tool is your ultimate design companion, allowing you to create sliders, blocks, pages, and carousels that are as intricate as they are engaging. From simple images to elaborate full-page slideshows, videos, and animated layer sliders, the possibilities are endless. Plus, this plugin optimizes your sliders for speed and SEO, making it as effective as hand-coding. Widely recognized as the preferred slider tool among WordPress developers, it offers a wealth of design options and an intuitive interface, making online presentations of your ideas a visual feast. Nextend Smart Slider 3 Pro Features Start with a block: Build an amazing hero section with all the necessary features to make a striking first impression! Animations and effects: Bring your blocks to life with eye-catching effects like Ken Burns, Particle, or Parallax, and increase the visual appeal of your creations. Create stunning pages: construct an entire landing page by combining sliders and blocks, creating headers with navigation and content-rich sections. Drag-and-drop builder: visual, intuitive and reliable. Adjust layers in real time and see immediate results. An unexpectedly easy and enjoyable process! Astonishing carousels: showcase your testimonials, products or posts. Carousels, unlike regular sliders, display multiple slides at once. Dynamic content: create sliders from various external sources, including WordPress posts, Joomla articles, WooCommerce products and 32 others. Layer variety: use tons of layers to build any layout with simple drag-and-drop. Customize with ease: experience user-friendly styling and visual design without compromise. Bring your site to life: integrate a variety of eye-catching animations and effects and adjust the time to the timeline. Inspiring Templates: A vast library of over 180 customizable templates and slides offers a diverse range to suit your website needs. Visual Build: Choose a template, customize it, and create a stunning website in no time. Unlimited Possibilities: Experience the flexibility and variety to kick-start your next project with unlimited styles, options, and templates. Time Savings: Save time and money, look more stylish, attract more customers, and get a beautiful slider, block, or page that works without any delays. The license does not allow you to use the online library of ready-made templates. You can manually import from the included files. Show less (-)
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Cost Calculator Builder PRO - 3.2.25 | 3,00 $ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WP Cost Calculator Pro – if you are looking for a smart, simple tool that will allow you to easily create quote forms to give your customers the opportunity to obtain information about the costs of your services and products, you have come to the right place. WP Cost Calculator helps with several… Show more (+)
WP Cost Calculator Pro – if you are looking for a smart, simple tool that will allow you to easily create quote forms to give your customers the opportunity to obtain information about the costs of your services and products, you have come to the right place. WP Cost Calculator Pro helps you in a few simple steps in creating any type of estimate forms. The plugin offers its own drag-and-drop calculation form creator. Additionally, you can create an unlimited number of spreadsheet forms and insert them on any page or post. Show less (-)
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3,00 $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The best WordPress filter plugin with Ajax Search & Filter Pro Introducing Search & Filter Pro, the ultimate solution to enhance the search and filtering capabilities of your WordPress site. This versatile plugin is perfect for a variety of uses, including blogs, review platforms,… Show more (+)
Best WordPress Filter Plugin with Ajax Search & Filter Pro Introducing Search & Filter Pro, the ultimate solution to enhance your WordPress site’s search and filtering capabilities. This versatile plugin is ideal for a variety of uses, including blogs, review platforms, news sites, real estate listings, and online stores. With seamless integration with popular eCommerce plugins like WooCommerce, WP eCommerce, and Easy Digital Downloads, Search & Filter Pro is your go-to for improved user experience. Search & Filter Pro: Unleash the Power of Advanced Search With Search & Filter Pro, users can effortlessly browse posts, custom post types, and products using a wide range of parameters. Categories, tags, taxonomies, custom fields, post meta, dates, types, and authors are all at your fingertips, so visitors can quickly find exactly what they need. Key Features and Functionalities Comprehensive Search Forms: Create custom search forms for posts, products, and custom post types, enriching the functionality of your site. Metadata and Taxonomy Filters: Enhance your site with filters based on WordPress metadata and taxonomies. Drag-and-drop interface: Enjoy the ease of creating and editing forms with a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. AJAX-powered results and pagination: Instant search results and navigation without having to reload the page. Automatic counting/dynamic counting: Watch the counter values in your search forms update in real time as users refine their search, ensuring accurate and relevant results. Query modification: The main query adjusts seamlessly to display search results without any hassle. Unlimited forms and results pages: Create as many search forms and results pages as your site requires, providing an experience tailored to every use case. Shortcodes and widgets: Easily place search forms anywhere on your pages or themes using convenient shortcodes and widgets. Flexible Inclusion and Exclusion: Decide which tags, categories, and taxonomies to show up in search results, tailoring them to your audience’s needs. Advanced Field Types and Options Search & Filter Pro includes a variety of field types and options, including text input, dropdowns, radio buttons, checkboxes, multi-selects, and combo boxes. Users can filter by post types, dates, custom fields, and authors, and have additional settings for order, search logic, and display formats. Customization is further enhanced with UI elements like the jQuery date picker, range sliders, and Selected combo boxes. Additionally, the plugin is I18n ready, ensuring global reach. Seamless Integration and Support Search & Filter Pro stands out for its compatibility with major WordPress plugins and tools. From Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), WooCommerce, WP eCommerce, and Easy Digital Downloads to WPML for multilingual support, this plugin provides seamless integration and enhanced functionality across your WordPress site. Additionally, users can count on a dedicated support forum and a year of support and updates, ensuring peace of mind and excellent performance. The package includes two additional plugins: for Divi and Elemetor Show less (-)
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Gravity Forms Premium WordPress plugin - | 3,00 $ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The ultimate WordPress form builder Gravity Forms Premium Embark on a hassle-free journey to improve your WordPress sites with Gravity Forms Premium, the quintessential dynamic form builder. Perfect for website developers, this plugin makes the tedious process of creating… Show more (+)
Najlepsze narzędzie do tworzenia formularzy WordPress Gravity Forms PremiumWyrusz w bezproblemową podróż, aby ulepszać swoje witryny WordPress za pomocą Gravity Forms Premium, kwintesencji narzędzia do tworzenia dynamicznych formularzy. Idealna dla twórców stron internetowych, ta wtyczka sprawia, że żmudny proces tworzenia formularzy staje się dziecinnie prosty, umożliwiając wykonanie wielu działań, które wykraczają poza zwykłe wyświetlanie wiadomości lub postów.Łatwe tworzenie formularzy dla różnorodnych potrzebBez względu na to, czy jest to strona rejestracji użytkownika, czy platforma umożliwiająca odwiedzającym przesyłanie treści, takich jak artykuły i posty, Gravity Forms Premium radzi sobie z tym wszystkim z łatwością. Jego intuicyjny interfejs i zaawansowane funkcje eliminują złożoność typową dla tworzenia formularzy. Elastyczne projektowanie: twórz formularze od podstaw, korzystając z niestandardowego kodu i szerokiej gamy filtrów. Gotowe do użycia szablony: przyspiesz tworzenie formularzy dzięki kolekcji wstępnie zaprojektowanych szablonów, które zaspokoją wszystkie potrzeby. Elementy konfigurowalne: dostosuj swoje formularze za pomocą unikalnych pól, kryteriów i warunków rejestracji, aby zapewnić użytkownikom spersonalizowaną obsługę.Możliwość dostosowania w wielu branżachGravity Forms Premium to wszechstronne rozwiązanie do tworzenia stron internetowych w różnych niszach. Niezależnie od tego, czy chcesz ulepszyć osobisty blog, witrynę e-commerce czy obecność firmy w Internecie, ta wtyczka zapewnia funkcjonalność, która ulepszy platformę cyfrową.Przedmiotem oferty jest wtyczka główna Gravity Forms, licencja nie pozwala na pobieranie dodatków z panelu wtyczki. Dodatki są dostępne jako osobne pozycje w pozostałych ofertach. Show less (-)
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3,00 $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Optimize your WooCommerce checkout with Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerce Improve your WooCommerce checkout page functionality and user experience with the premium version of the Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerce plugin. Streamline your checkout process by integrating 17 distinctive, custom fields and checkout sections… Show more (+)
Optimize your WooCommerce checkout with Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerceImprove your WooCommerce checkout page’s functionality and user experience with the premium version of Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerce. Streamline your checkout process by integrating 17 distinctive custom fields and checkout sections, so you can efficiently and elegantly collect all the necessary information from your customers.Unlock Superior Checkout FeaturesWith Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerce, you can not only add, edit, and eliminate fields, but also introduce a range of advanced and customizable features that streamline and enrich the checkout process. Improve customer interactions by strategically deploying fields, applying custom validations, and conditionally displaying fields to make the checkout journey as intuitive as possible.Key BenefitsExtended Custom Checkout Sections: Introduce additional checkout sections beyond the conventional Billing, Shipping, and Additional sections. 17 Unique Field Types, Including File Upload: Explore a multitude of field types to effectively capture a variety of customer data. More display flexibility: Use custom checkout fields in 14 different positions to optimize data collection without disrupting the user experience. Conditional field display: Allows you to present custom fields based on specific conditions, such as cart contents, user roles, or product category, for precise data collection. Custom validation: Ensure data integrity and relevance with both default and configurable field validation. Price fields with multiple price types: Include additional price values using different pricing structures, enhancing your monetization strategies. Customize address display format: Modify address formats across different customer interaction points, such as the My Account and Thank You pages. Apply repeat rules: Set rules for repeating fields and sections based on criteria such as product quantity and cart count. Developer accessibility: Leverage available hooks to extend field functionality based on unique development requirements. Third-party plugin compatibility: Ensures seamless interaction with various third-party plugins such as WooCommerce PDF Invoices and Packing Lists, WooCommerce Customer/Order CSV Export, and Zapier.Dive Deeper into Premium FeaturesThe improved version of Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerce opens up a range of possibilities and functionalities to your checkout process, allowing you to develop a smooth and enriched user journey. Let’s dive into some of the great features:1. Diverse and Strategic Field PlacementPlace your custom fields in any of the 14 available places in your checkout process, including pre/post customer data, billing form, shipping form, order notes, and more to optimize user interactions and data capture.2. Dynamic Pricing Field ImplementationsAdapt to different pricing strategies by applying different pricing types, such as fixed price, custom price, percentage of cart total/subtotal, and dynamic price, to your checkout fields, thus increasing your pricing flexibility and offering to your customers.3. Third-Party Plugin SynergyHarmonize your checkout process by incorporating features from multiple third-party plugins. From including custom fields for PDF invoices and packing slips via WooCommerce Invoices & Packing Slips to supporting automated workflows via Zapier, ensure your checkout process is robust and integrated.4. Multilingual and Multi-Regional SupportWith WPML compatibility, you can enjoy the luxury of multilingual support, ensuring your checkout process is universally accessible and user-friendly, catering to a global audience with different language preferences.Explore a new horizon of checkout optimization with Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerce and ensure your WooCommerce store provides every customer with a great, user-centric, and efficient checkout journey. Show less (-)
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W3 Total Cache Pro plug - 2.8.6 | 3,00 $ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Speed up your WordPress site with W3 Total Cache Pro Transform your WordPress site's performance and user experience with W3 Total Cache Pro. This powerful plugin significantly reduces your website load time, ensuring your pages load in lightning-fast speeds. A faster website translates into… Show more (+)
Speed up your WordPress site with W3 Total Cache Pro Transform your WordPress site's performance and user experience with W3 Total Cache Pro. This powerful plugin significantly reduces your website load time, ensuring your pages load in lightning-fast speeds. A faster website translates into better search engine rankings, increased visitor traffic, and greater revenue potential. Modern research has shown that even the slightest benefit in charging speed can have noticeable physiological effects, including increased stress levels and blood pressure. Knowing this, Google favors fast-loading sites, giving them higher visibility, while slower sites may be penalized. Once you properly configure W3 Total Cache Pro, you can expect a significant increase in your website's performance, up to 10x, according to Google PageSpeed Insights. This plugin offers wide compatibility, works seamlessly with shared hosting environments, VPS and dedicated servers, and provides a simple installation and configuration process. Essential Features of W3 Total Cache Pro Universal compatibility with a variety of hosting solutions, including shared, VPS and dedicated servers. Seamlessly manage content delivery networks, ensuring optimized delivery of your media library, theme files and WordPress core. Full SSL support for greater security. Smart caching based on referrer groups or user agents, with support for theme switching. Accelerated mobile page support for fast loading on mobile devices. Comprehensive caching solutions including pages, posts, CSS, JavaScript, feeds, search results and database objects. Advanced post, page, CSS and JavaScript minification capabilities. Efficient browser caching with cache control, future-expiring headers and unit tags, along with "cache bypass" functionality. Optimized JavaScript management enabling non-blocking embedding and template grouping. Convenient direct import of post attachments to the Media Library and CDN. Full WP-CLI support for various management tasks. Advanced security features and detailed caching statistics to monitor performance. Extensible framework that allows integration with various services such as New Relic, Cloudflare, WPML and others. Compatible with reverse proxy setups via Nginx or Varnish.
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3,00 $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Best Google Analytics Plugin for WordPress MonsterInsights Pro Quickly Integrate Google Analytics into Your WordPress Site Remember the days when integrating Google Analytics into your site required coding or coding skills from a developer? Those days are behind you! With MonsterInsights Pro, seamless integration… Show more (+)
Best Google Analytics Plugin for WordPress MonsterInsights Pro Quickly Integrate Google Analytics into Your WordPress Site Remember the days when integrating Google Analytics into your site required coding or coding skills from a developer? Those days are behind you! With MonsterInsights Pro, seamlessly integrating Google Analytics into your WordPress site is just a matter of a few clicks. Experience simplicity and efficiency, all without touching a single line of code. Dig deeper into visitor insights Unlock new insights into your audience with MonsterInsights Pro. View detailed audience reports directly in your WordPress dashboard. Discover statistics such as visitor demographics, location, interests, devices used and much more. Learn about your audience's preferences like never before. Optimize your content strategy No more shooting in the dark! With MonsterInsights, you gain clarity on what appeals to your audience. The content report highlights your best-performing content so you can streamline your content strategy and maximize engagement. Revolutionize your eCommerce metrics Do you run an online store? MonsterInsights is here to improve your eCommerce store. View key metrics such as total revenue, top products, conversion rates and more. Use these insights to increase sales and profitability. MonsterInsights Pro features at a glance: Universal Tracking: Seamlessly track website activity across devices and marketing campaigns. Integrated analytical dashboard: direct access to the most important analytical reports from the WordPress environment. Real-time analytics: Stay up to date with real-time data by observing active users and their ongoing activities on your site. Advanced eCommerce Insights: Simplified tracking for platforms like WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, and MemberPress with enhanced eCommerce analytics. Effective link and ad monitoring: Effortlessly monitor interactions with affiliate links, promotional banners and other external links. Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that your Google Analytics integration is compliant with GDPR and other relevant privacy regulations. Custom Tracking Dimensions: Easily track activity based on authors, tags, searches, custom post types, and more with one click. Performance and A/B testing: Use Google Optimize to conduct insightful A/B testing, fine-tune performance metrics, and discover many other advanced features. IT IS BEST TO PERFORM THE FIRST INSTALLATION AND CONNECTION ON VERSION 8.18. The subject of the offer is the Pro plug-in only, without any extras. It is possible to add additional plug-ins to the offer. Show less (-)
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3,00 $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Manage order statuses with WooCommerce Order Status Manager. Experience a smooth transition of your WooCommerce orders to "completed" status after a successful transaction. WooCommerce Order Status Manager, a brilliant creation of SkyVerge, makes the WooCommerce platform more intuitive when fulfilling orders.Features and BenefitsWhile… Show more (+)
Manage order statuses with WooCommerce Order Status Manager. Experience a smooth transition of your WooCommerce orders to "completed" status after a successful transaction. WooCommerce Order Status Manager, the masterpiece of SkyVerge, makes the WooCommerce platform more intuitive for order fulfillment. Features and BenefitsWhile WooCommerce natively switches virtual download product orders to "completed" after successful payment, it leaves other order types in limbo and require manual actions. This may be important if you have physical goods that require shipping or if you offer virtual services that require post-payment actions. However, not all businesses operate the same way. Perhaps you're dealing with virtual orders or items that don't fall into virtual or downloadable categories and you want them to be auto-completed. You may also prefer that none of your orders automatically reach a "completed" status. This is where WooCommerce Order Status Manager plays its role. It offers the flexibility to dictate when paid orders should move to fulfilled status. Want to prevent your orders from immediately reaching "completed" status? This extension allows you to pause even virtual and downloadable orders. Do you want to expand the list of orders that automatically become "fulfilled"? Achieve it effortlessly. By default, successful payments update the order status from "pending" to "processing". However, if your company handles a large number of orders that do not require intermediate actions, manually updating each one becomes a daunting task. This tool eliminates this problem. WooCommerce Order Status Manager can immediately mark paid orders as "complete", completely skipping the "processing" phase. Set it up in a snap and let the magic unfold. Choose to automatically replenish orders containing only virtual products, or allow each paid order in the store to reach the "fulfilled" status, regardless of product category. Show less (-)
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3,00 $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Quickly creates clones of Wordpress sites for testing purposes with WP Staging Pro WP Staging Pro is the best solution for setting up a testing environment in WordPress. This premium plugin is designed to help you create and refine site modifications before publishing them. As far as… Show more (+)
Quickly creates clones of Wordpress sites for testing purposes with WP Staging Pro WP Staging Pro is the best solution for setting up a testing environment in WordPress. This premium plugin is designed to help you create and refine site modifications before publishing them. As the digital landscape becomes increasingly competitive, there is no room for error. WP Staging Pro ensures that you will never have to worry about unintended consequences or disruptions to your live website. Create, test and finalize changes in a controlled, risk-free space. What makes WP Staging Pro stand out? Its precise selection capabilities. Choose to mirror certain elements such as specific plugins, themes or databases for unparalleled flexibility. Final score? A customized staging site that perfectly fits your development needs. Performance meets sophistication with features like one-click cloning, an instinctive drag-and-drop system, and advanced security measures to protect the staging area. WP Staging Pro Features: Instantly set up a replica of your live website right from your WordPress dashboard. Seamlessly transfer changes from your staging site to your live site in one quick motion. Clone your full WordPress suite, including all themes and plugins. Comprehensive multi-site support, perfect for managing subdomains or subdirectories. Selective Migration: Decide which items (databases, plugins, or themes) to migrate or skip when updating. Automatic backup of your WordPress site before changes. Staged protection with unique lock function. View modifications in a temporary version without affecting your live site. Why choose WP Staging Pro? Experience the luxury of hassle-free website development, testing and launch. Make sure your theme adaptations, security improvements, and plugin customizations are perfectly calibrated before going public. Effortlessly replace your test site's database content with the advanced database replacement feature. Compare and sync content between test sites and live sites. The convenient one-click restore option allows you to undo changes and change the direction of your development strategy. WP Staging Pro is an indispensable add-on for WordPress lovers, ushering in a new era of secure, streamlined and secure website creation. Licenses can be activated using any key. The license does not allow automatic updates and does not include technical support. Show less (-)
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Woocommerce Smart Coupons plugin - 9.29.1 | 3,00 $ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Make coupons smart with Woocommerce Smart CouponsImprove your WooCommerce store with the comprehensive capabilities of Woocommerce Smart Coupons. Increase your revenue and increase customer engagement with exclusive offers, discounts, coupons and more. Recognized as the most comprehensive coupon management tool… Show more (+)
Make Coupons Smart with Woocommerce Smart CouponsEnhance your WooCommerce store with the comprehensive capabilities of Woocommerce Smart Coupons. Increase your revenue and boost customer engagement with exclusive offers, discounts, coupons, and more. Recognized as the most comprehensive WooCommerce coupon management tool, it’s a testament to its excellent functionality.Why Choose Woocommerce Smart Coupons? Comprehensive Features: Dive deeper to explore the wide range of features Smart Coupons offers. From facilitating the sale of gift cards and store vouchers to setting advanced coupon terms, offering free gifts to generating coupons in bulk, it’s all there. Best of the Best: Boasting the position of the best-selling plugin in WooCommerce, over 15,000 business owners trust Smart Coupons in their daily operations. Customer Approved: Many satisfied users have expressed their appreciation in glowing reviews. As you continue your navigation, you’ll witness real-life opinions from valued customers. Optimized Performance: You can rest assured that Smart Coupons will never compromise your site speed or checkout experience. Many major WooCommerce platforms trust its robustness. User-friendly Design: Customizability combined with a user-centric design ensures that even non-technical users can easily manage promotions without any technical expertise. Authenticity and Compatibility: When making a purchase, make sure you are buying genuine Smart Coupons. It integrates seamlessly with many popular plugins, and we are committed to continuously improving it. Your trust is safe with us! Explore Store Credits, Coupons, and MoreWhether they are store credits, gift certificates, account balances, or gift cards, they all serve a purpose. They represent a predetermined monetary value available to the customer, allowing them to shop freely until the balance is exhausted or the expiration date expires. These credits can alternatively be used for refunds, compensations and more, making them a strategic tool for customer retention. Customers have the luxury of buying these points and gifting them, attracting potential new customers who often spend more than the voucher value. With smart coupons, you can also personalize these gifts with custom messages and even schedule them for delivery in the future, such as sending a heartfelt birthday coupon with a special note. Show less (-)
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