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Wtyczka Coupon Referral Program Woocommerce | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
3,00 $
MORE FEATURES THAN ANY OTHER WOOCOMMERCE TABLE PLUGINThe most advanced product listing plugin on the market, WooCommerce Product Table comes with over 50 features.PRODUCTS WITH VARIANTSFull support for products with variants. Display them as drop-down lists or display one variant per row…
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MORE FEATURES THAN ANY OTHER WOOCOMMERCE TABLE PLUGINThe most advanced product list plugin on the market, WooCommerce Product Table comes with over 50 features.VARIANT PRODUCTSFilter support for products with variants. Display them as dropdowns or display one variant per row for a quick, one-page checkout.FILTERS & WIDGETSIncludes custom widgets to filter by attribute, price, or rating. Or add search filters above the table to filter by category, tag, taxonomy, or attribute.WOOCOMMERCE PRODUCT ADD-ONSFully integrated with the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons extension. Display your add-ons next to the Add to Cart button.PRODUCT FEATURESFilter by product attribute using dropdowns or sidebar widgets. View attributes in a table and click to filter!CUSTOM & TAXONOMY SUPPORTView custom taxonomies, filter by custom terms, and create tables listing products with specific taxonomy terms.QUICK ADD TO CARTCustomers can select quantities and add products directly to their cart or click to view the product page. This is the ultimate one-page WooCommerce order form!ADD MULTIPLE PRODUCTS AT ONCEShow checkboxes next to each product so customers can quickly select multiple products at once and bulk add them to their cart with one click.IDEAL FOR RESTAURANT ORDERINGThe WooCommerce product table is especially popular for creating a one-page restaurant order form for online food ordering.ADVANCED CUSTOM FIELDSDisplay custom fields as columns in the product table. Fully integrated with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF). Add additional data, links and more.SPECIAL PRODUCT LISTCreate tables that list products based on their category, tag, ID, status, date or author. Exclude categories or individual products.SUPER FAST ORDERINGYour customers can order everything they need in a snap: great for wholesale, repeat customers, food, industrial, spare parts, trade or WooCommerce wholesale orders.FULLY RESPONSIVEOn mobile phones, columns automatically “collapse” and can be expanded to display data. You can choose which columns take priority using the WooCommerce product list plugin.INSTANT SEARCH, SORTING & FILTERINGEnter keywords and perform an instant search. Filter the product table or click a column header to sort.W 100% WPML COMPATIBLEWooCommerce Product Table is officially certified as WPML compatible, perfect for your multilingual WordPress site.
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Wtyczka DiviFlash 27 Modułów Divi w 1 | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
3,00 $
DiviFlash offers 27 Divi modules in the premium Divi plugin to design an amazing website that will stand out. Without coding skills, DiviFlash is the best Divi plugin that will allow you to create stunning websites. DiviFlash is the only Divi plugin that…
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DiviFlash offers 27 Divi modules in the Divi premium plugin to design an amazing website that will stand out. Without coding skills, DiviFlash is the best Divi plugin for you to create great websites. DiviFlash is the only Divi plugin that helps you create a website like any PRO web developer.
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Wtyczka Automatic.css Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
3,00 $
Automatic.css Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders Everything on your Automatic.css powered page that contains text, whether it's a heading, paragraph, list, form field, or anything else, complies with perfect mathematical scale…
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Automatic.css Utility Framework for WordPress Page Builders Everything on your Automatic.css-based page that contains text, whether it's a header, paragraph, list, form field, or anything else, complies with the perfect mathematical scale in the hierarchy with 12 different size options, all of which are automatic and perfectly responsive to mobile devices. And most importantly, the entire system is under your control from the Automatic.css dashboard.
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Wtyczka FunnelKit (Woofunnels) Aero Checkout Business | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
3,00 $
Change the way you checkout in WooCommerce with FunnelKit Introducing FunnelKit, a top-rated funnel builder for WordPress designed to take your WooCommerce checkout and thank you pages to the next level. Forget about the high monthly fees of other wizards…
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Zmień sposób dokonywania transakcji w WooCommerce za pomocą FunnelKit Przedstawiamy FunnelKit, najwyżej oceniane narzędzie do tworzenia lejków dla WordPress, zaprojektowane, aby wynieść strony WooCommerce do realizacji transakcji i strony z podziękowaniami na nowy poziom. Zapomnij o wysokich miesięcznych opłatach innych kreatorów lejków: FunnelKit oferuje przyjazne dla użytkownika i ekonomiczne rozwiązanie zwiększające współczynniki konwersji sklepu internetowego. Dzięki intuicyjnemu interfejsowi możesz bez wysiłku tworzyć zoptymalizowane strony akceptacji, angażujące strony docelowe i elastyczne doświadczenia związane z realizacją transakcji WooCommerce. Ponadto możesz cieszyć się dostępem do szerokiej gamy szablonów reagujących na urządzenia mobilne, które zapewniają nieskazitelne wyświetlanie na wszystkich urządzeniach. Rozwiń swój biznes online dzięki FunnelKit i już dziś zachwyć więcej płacących klientów. Kluczowe zalety wykorzystania lejka sprzedaży FunnelKit Usprawniony proces: prowadź swoich klientów przez pozbawioną zakłóceń podróż od początkowego zainteresowania do ostatecznego zakupu. Maksymalny zwrot z reklam: Optymalizuj podróże użytkowników, aby zwiększyć efektywność wydatków na reklamę. Większa wartość zamówienia: jednym kliknięciem przedstawiaj atrakcyjne oferty przed i po zakupie, podnosząc średnią wartość zamówienia. Lepsze współczynniki konwersji: wykorzystaj automatyzację marketingu, aby ponownie zaangażować porzucone koszyki, zwiększając ogólne współczynniki konwersji. Podstawowe funkcje FunnelKit Lekki kreator ścieżek Strony akceptacji i strony sprzedaży: wykorzystaj szablony o wysokiej konwersji, aby z łatwością tworzyć strony pozyskiwania potencjalnych klientów i strony sprzedaży. Dostosowywanie strony kasy: projektuj zoptymalizowane strony kasy, zawierające pieczęcie zaufania, recenzje klientów i szczegółowe zestawienia kosztów, aby zwiększyć pewność zakupów. Zaawansowany edytor pól kasy: doświadcz niezrównanej elastyczności w dostosowywaniu pól kasy, w tym w tworzeniu nowych sekcji i zmienianiu kolejności pól w razie potrzeby. Spersonalizowane strony z podziękowaniami: przekształć zwykłe domyślne strony z podziękowaniami w angażujące, spersonalizowane potwierdzenia dzięki wszechstronnym szablonom i widżetom. Profesjonalny kreator ścieżek Wyskakujące okienka/lightbox zgody: skutecznie zdobywaj potencjalnych klientów dzięki dwuetapowym formularzom zgody, które pojawiają się po kliknięciu przycisku CTA. Strony realizacji transakcji zoptymalizowane pod kątem konwersji: wdrażaj realizację transakcji obejmujących wiele produktów i korzystaj z optymalizacji, aby ograniczyć liczbę porzucań koszyków. AOV-wzmocnienie zamówień: przedstaw kuszące oferty na stronie, które klienci mogą dodać do koszyka jednym kliknięciem. Bezproblemowa sprzedaż dodatkowa za pomocą jednego kliknięcia: prezentuj oferty sprzedaży dodatkowej po zakupie, które klienci mogą natychmiast zaakceptować, co poprawia komfort zakupów i wartość zamówienia. Dogłębna analiza ścieżki: zdobądź cenne informacje na temat wydajności ścieżki, umożliwiając podejmowanie decyzji opartych na danych w celu udoskonalenia i optymalizacji strategii sprzedaży. Dzięki FunnelKit zyskujesz swobodę tworzenia nieograniczonej liczby ścieżek, wykorzystując gotowe szablony do szybkiego i skutecznego tworzenia ścieżek. Skorzystaj z elastyczności wszechstronnego edytora pól transakcji, weź udział w testach A/B (niedostępne dla tej licencji), aby odkryć najskuteczniejsze strategie i ciesz się płynną integracją z narzędziami do tworzenia stron i platformami, takimi jak Elementor i Divi. Odblokuj pełny potencjał swojego sklepu internetowego dzięki FunnelKit. Zwiększ swój zasięg marketingowy dzięki automatyzacji FunnelKit Wynieś swoje wysiłki marketingowe poza lejek sprzedaży dzięki funkcjom automatyzacji FunnelKit. Od odzyskiwania porzuconych koszyków po działania następcze po zakupie – personalizuj interakcje z klientami za pomocą strategicznych sekwencji e-maili. Konfiguruj oferty ograniczone czasowo i wyzwalacze e-mail oparte na regułach, aby zachęcać do terminowych zakupów i zwiększać zaangażowanie klientów. Śledź swój sukces dzięki analizom w czasie rzeczywistym dotyczącym porzuceń koszyka i odzyskiwania. Dzięki FunnelKit Automations przenieś swój handel elektroniczny, tworzenie kursów lub działalność coachingową do niespotykanego dotąd sukcesu. Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś właścicielem sklepu eCommerce, twórcą kursów, trenerem, artystą czy blogerem, FunnelKit to najlepsze narzędzie do tworzenia kanałów sprzedaży o wysokiej konwersji i maksymalizowania potencjału online. Licencja nie pozwala na import gotowych szablonów dla stron Pro. Testy A/B nie są dostępne. 
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Wtyczka Advanced Themer for Bricks | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
3,00 $
Advanced Themer increases your efficiency in building websites with Bricks with dozens of productivity hacks designed to make the development process easier. We're just getting started, but Advanced Themer already includes 78 amazing improvements that will greatly streamline your creation process.
Wtyczka WooThumbs – WooCommerce Variation Images | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
3,00 $
Well, you can put a video somewhere on your product page, but what are the chances that your customer will actually see it? You can add more images, but it can be confusing seeing images that are not related to the selected variety. Luckily WooThumbs for…
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Well, you can put the video somewhere on the product page, but what are the chances that your customer will actually see it? You can add more images, but it can be confusing seeing images that are not related to the variety you selected. Luckily, WooThumbs for WooCommerce can help with all of these problems. WooThumbs provides the ability to completely customize the layout of the image gallery to enhance your product page, embed video and other media directly into the image gallery for your customers to definitely see it, and also add a lot of images for variety.
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Wtyczka Theme Code Pro - Advanced Custom Fields ACF | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
3,00 $
Speed up development with generated code snippets for displaying ACF field data. With ACF Theme Code, the code required to implement custom fields is conveniently displayed in the Theme Code section just below the Field Group settings. The generated code is based on the official ACF documentation…
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Speed up programming with generated code snippets to display ACF field data. With ACF Theme Code, the code required to implement custom fields is conveniently displayed in the Theme Code section just below the Field Group settings. The generated code is based on the official ACF documentation and contains an escape code. ACF Theme Code Pro can generate code for multiple localization rules. This includes complex locations such as block, options page, widget, taxonomy, comment, attachment, current user, and userform.
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Wtyczka Buttonizer Premium Pro - Smart Floating Action Button | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
3,00 $
Add dynamic, customizable smart floating buttons to the corner of your WordPress site and increase interactions and conversions from your website visitors with Buttonizer Premium Pro - Smart Floating Action Button plugin. Choose from over 50 different click actions. Create filters…
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Add dynamic, customizable smart floating buttons to the corner of your WordPress site and increase interactions and conversions from your website visitors with Buttonizer Premium Pro - Smart Floating Action Button plugin. Choose from over 50 different click actions. Create filters to display buttons in the right places. Easily customize your floating action button with a wide range of styling options. Track the performance of your floating action buttons and get actionable insights. Activate your online visitors by creating traffic effects based on visitor behavior. The plugin installs as Premium, without purchasing an additional license from the developer, some external features may not be available.
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Wtyczka GreenShift All in One + Dodatki | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
3,00 $
Build. Animate. Earn Boost your site with Greenshift GreenShift All in One – the best Gutenberg page builder for WordPress. Create stunning designs, dynamic elements, and engaging animations directly on your site without any coding knowledge required. Included with Greenshift are additional…
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Build. Animate. Earn Boost your site with Greenshift GreenShift All in One — the best Gutenberg page builder for WordPress. Create stunning designs, dynamic elements, and engaging animations right on your site with no coding knowledge required. Additional plugins included in the Greenshift package: Greenshift Chart plugin GreenShift Advanced Animation plugin Greenshift Query and Meta plugin GreenShift Marketing and SEO plugin Greenshift WooCommerce plugin Lightning fast performance This package uses unique conditional resource loading, requiring only 2KB of styles. Resources are only loaded when they are used on the page, ensuring maximum speed. Full customization Enjoy full support for full site editing, allowing you to customize every aspect of your site right on the page, with no coding knowledge required. Advanced animation framework Beautiful animations can make your site stand out. With a built-in animation framework that adds just 2KB to your website, Greenshift ensures your site stands out with smooth and engaging animations.
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Wtyczka Kadence Woocommerce Extras (Shop Kit) | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
3,00 $
Enhance your online store with Kadence Woocommerce ExtrasUnlock a world of unrivaled features for your e-commerce platform with Kadence Woocommerce Extras. Improve the user experience of your online store by introducing advanced functionality, an engaging interface and a powerful set of options designed to increase…
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Enhance your online store with Kadence Woocommerce ExtrasUnlock a world of unrivaled features for your e-commerce platform with Kadence Woocommerce Extras. Improve the user experience of your online store by introducing advanced functionality, an engaging interface and a powerful set of options designed to increase customer engagement and conversion rates. Stunning Product Galleries Decorate your website with unique product galleries by including sliders that display thumbnails below or next to the main image. Integrate Kadence Slider Pro into your product displays, offering a robust, visually pleasing gallery that catches the attention of every visitor. Interactive product image zoom Invite users to delve deeper into the details of your product images with the intuitive scroll-to-zoom feature. This feature allows them to examine every intricate detail of your product so they can appreciate the full quality of your offering.Personalized Cart AlertsDeliver tailored cart messages using strategic targeting of specific carts based on products, total price or weight. Seamlessly facilitate strategic upselling, encourage product additions, and encourage enhanced shopping experiences with specialized promotions and calls to action. Vivid Variety Samples Enable delightful selection with a variety of product variety displays, from color and image samples to radio boxes. Configure optimal visualization of each attribute, ensuring a user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing selection process. Insightful Advanced Reviews Go beyond conventional Woocommerce reviews with a system where customers can vote for the most (or least) helpful reviews, include review titles, and provide a summary. Highlight the best reviews, ensuring that potential buyers immediately receive the most accurate opinions. Convenient size charts Streamline your product pages with accessible size charts that can be tabs or buttons, running a module that presents the size guide front and center, thereby increasing user convenience and facilitating informed purchasing decisions. Flexible control of price changes Customize the display of variable product prices by choosing to present the lowest or highest available price. Additionally, add text before or after the price to provide additional context, such as "From $45".Additional Category Description to Improve SEOImprove your category pages with additional description areas placed below products on Woocommerce category description pages. Enhance your SEO efforts by offering more comprehensive content with added descriptions. Customizable "Add to Cart" text Easily modify your "ADD TO CART" text to create a personalized call to action that matches your offer and brand, e.g. NOW". This is particularly beneficial for variable products, allowing you to offer an option that is more distinctive than generic 'choices'. Streamlined Checkout Manager Improve your checkout form by enabling or disabling fields and creating your own using the Checkout Manager. Gain control over the checkout process and control which fields are included in Woocommerce emails, ensuring a seamless and customized shopping journey for your customers. Define product brands Assign brands to your products, selectively display them on archive and single product pages, and select presentation format: name or photo. Additionally, add a “filter by brand” widget to your site, enhancing navigation and exploration features. You can customize any section to better match your exact product offering and ensure your site content remains dynamic and engaging!
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Wtyczka WooCommerce Attribute Swatches By Iconic | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
3,00 $
Add color swatches and image variations to WooCommerce. Replace standard variation drop-down lists with color, image, and text swatches. Help customers make faster decisions with a visual and user-friendly experience. Modernize WooCommerce attributes with distinctive color swatches: With…
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Add color swatches and image variations to WooCommerce. Replace standard variation drop-down lists with color, image, and text swatches. Help customers make faster decisions with a visual and user-friendly experience. Modernize WooCommerce attributes with distinctive color swatches: With the easy-to-use color picker, you can choose the perfect color swatches for your store. Preview the actual appearance, material or texture of each variety with image samples. Update text product attributes with clear text and radio buttons. Use the same type of samples throughout the store to save time, or pick and choose to match each product individually.
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Wtyczka WP Media Folder + Cloud Addon + Gallery Addon | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
3,00 $
THE CLOUD PLUGIN MAY NOT WORK WITHOUT AN ADDITIONAL LICENSE FROM THE DEVELOPER AND IN THE CASE OF SOME SITES THERE MAY BE A PROBLEM CONNECTING TO ONE DRIVE (SITE SUSPENDS) A WordPress plugin with which you can manage and upload files and images from your own WordPress multimedia editor. Using…
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CLOUD PLUGIN MAY NOT WORK WITHOUT ADDITIONAL LICENSE FROM THE DEVELOPER. SOME SITES MAY HAVE ONE DRIVE CONNECTION PROBLEMS (HANGING THE SITE) A WordPress plugin that lets you manage and upload files and images from your own WordPress media editor. Using the default WordPress media manager also means that the plugin will be highly compatible with all the other plugins you use. There is nothing more to add, just watch the demo to get a clear idea of what you can do with it. Stop searching for an image in thousands of media, and instead just navigate like you would in your desktop file browser. You will be able to upload and drag media into folders and subfolders. List of plugins in the bundle: WP Media Folder WP Media Folder Gallery Addon
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Wtyczka Easy Accordion Pro | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
3,00 $
Easy Accordion Pro is the best responsive drag and drop Accordion FAQ Builder plugin for WordPress with multiple customization options. It helps you quickly display multiple accordions, including nested or multi-level ones, on your website or blog without having to write any code. You can…
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Easy Accordion Pro is the best responsive drag and drop Accordion FAQ builder plugin for WordPress with lots of customization options. It helps you quickly display multiple accordions on your website or blog, including nested or multi-level accordions, without writing any code. You can also create a WooCommerce Product FAQ or a Q&A Accordion tab. All 16+ beautiful accordion themes have their own customizable settings.
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Wtyczka Divi Mega Pro – The Ultimate Divi Mega Menu Builder | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
3,00 $
The best Divi Mega Menu maker! Divi Mega Pro is the easiest way to create stunning, full-featured Mega Menus and Mega Tooltips with Divi Builder! Additionally, Divi Mega Pro introduces a completely new way to display content on Divi websites:…
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The best Divi Mega Menu maker! Divi Mega Pro is the easiest way to create stunning, full-featured Mega Menus and Mega Tooltips with Divi Builder! Additionally, Divi Mega Pro introduces a completely new way to display content on Divi websites: Mega Tooltip. Mega Tooltips are like pop-ups that can be launched on hover or click. Additional files (templates) are available for download for the product
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Wtyczka Checkout Manager for WooCommerce | Sklep z dodatkami premium WP
3,00 $
Checkout Manager for WooCommerce Premium Checkout Manager Improve your WooCommerce store with Checkout Manager for WooCommerce Premium, designed to increase conversion rates and increase sales. Customize checkout fields Improve your store with Checkout Manager for WooCommerce Premium by effortlessly adding, editing…
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Checkout Manager for WooCommerce Premium Checkout Manager Improve your WooCommerce store with Checkout Manager for WooCommerce Premium, designed to increase conversion rates and increase sales. Customize Checkout Fields Improve your store with Checkout Manager for WooCommerce Premium by effortlessly adding, editing, and removing fields right on the checkout page. Add new fields: Seamlessly integrate custom fields with your Billing, Shipping, and Additional sections. Billing Fields: Customize your billing section by enabling or removing specific fields. Shipping Fields: Customize shipping details by adding or removing fields as per your requirements. Additional Fields: Increase checkout flexibility with an additional field section. Flexible fee management Take control of your transaction fees with fixed or percentage fee options. Add new fees: Seamlessly apply fees to custom or basic fields. Single and multiple options: Add fees to individual options in checkboxes and multi-select boxes. Edit Basic Fields Easily edit essential fields in the Billing and Shipping sections to fit your specific needs. Conditional Fields Checkout Manager for WooCommerce Premium will enhance the user experience with conditional fields that appear dynamically based on user input. Conditional parent: Hide or show fields based on the value of the parent fields. Conditional parent value: Adjust field visibility based on the available options in the parent field. Streamlined Checkout Effortlessly remove unnecessary fields and streamline the checkout process to increase user satisfaction. File Upload Ability Enable users to easily upload files during the purchasing process. Administrative management: Easily manage uploaded files via the order administration panel. User Control: Allow users to manage uploaded files directly from the My Account page. Order Personalization Increase order transparency by displaying custom field values in received orders. Email Notifications Personalize your email notifications by including custom fields relevant to your completed purchase process. Order status filtering: Select specific order statuses to display relevant custom fields. Field Filtering: Customize your email content by enabling or disabling specific fields as needed.
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