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Wtyczka Addon Plugin Easy Digital Downloads Campaign Monitor Addon
3,00 $
Adds the option to subscribe to the newsletter on the checkout page. The plugin requires a free EDD plugin to be downloaded from the developer's website.
Wtyczka Addon Plugin Social Wall Addon for UserPro
3,00 $
The Social Wall Addon for User Pro plugin distributed by Codecanyon allows you to add a wall to your website allowing all members to interact with each other. It is typically a social plugin. Some features: Sharing posts with others Sharing images Commenting on various posts Likes for posts The administrator can delete any…
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The Social Wall Addon for User Pro plugin distributed by Codecanyon allows you to add a wall to the site allowing all members to interact with each other. It is typically a social plugin. Some features: Sharing posts with others Sharing pictures Commenting different posts Likes for posts The administrator can delete any posts The "Show more" button The user can also delete his own post or comment Easy handling of reported posts And many others ...
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Wtyczka Addon Plugin Media Manager for UserPro
3,00 $
The Media Manager for UserPro plugin distributed by Codecanyon allows you to create more lively profiles by adding multiple files to them, including images, videos and audio files. The plugin adds the Media Gallery capability to user profiles. Users can now create more…
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The Media Manager for UserPro plug-in distributed by Codecanyon allows you to create more lively profiles by adding multiple files to them, including images, videos and sound files. The plugin adds the Media Gallery capability to user profiles. Users can now create more vivid profiles by adding multiple files - photos, videos and audio files to their profiles. Note: Media Manager for UserPro Wordpress Plugin Free is an add-on for the UserPro plugin. Please install the original free User Pro Wordpress plug-in first and then install this plug-in.
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