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How to fix WordPress white screen?

Sometimes, WordPress users encounter a problem known as the “white screen of death.” This is a condition where the page displays nothing but a blank, white screen with no content or errors. It is a frustrating problem, but fortunately, there are methods to fix it. Below is a list of different techniques that can be used to fix the problem.

Disabling plugins

One of the most common reasons for a white screen in WordPress is a plugin conflict. It is possible that one of your plugins is not compatible with another, which is causing the white screen. To check this, it is best to disable all plugins and then enable them one at a time to identify which one is causing the problem. You can do this through the WordPress admin panel or access the wp-content folder via FTP and rename the plugins folder.

Switching themes

As with plugins, the theme you are using may cause a white screen. To check this, you can switch the theme to the default WordPress theme (such as Twenty Twenty-One). You can do this via the admin panel or by accessing the wp-content folder via FTP and renaming the folder of the theme you are currently using.

Increasing the memory limit

Another potential problem that can cause a white screen is exceeding your PHP memory limit. WordPress, like all complex content management systems, requires a lot of memory to function properly. In some cases, WordPress may require more memory than is available, leading to a white screen. To fix this, you can increase the PHP memory limit by entering the code:

 define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');

to the wp-config.php file.

Checking .htaccess files

The .htaccess file may also cause a white screen if it contains invalid code. The .htaccess file is a configuration file used by WordPress to manage redirects and other server settings. To check this, you can rename the .htaccess file to something else (for example .htaccess_old) and see if that fixes the problem. If so, you will need to create a new .htaccess file.

Database repair

The white screen can also be caused by database problems. WordPress offers a database repair feature that can be enabled by adding the line:

 define('WP_ALLOW_REPAIR', true); 

to your wp-config.php file. Then, visit, where "" is your site name, to start the repair process.

In summary, a white screen in WordPress can be frustrating, but with the techniques above, you should be able to identify and fix the problem. Remember to always back up your website before making any changes to prevent data loss.

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